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[[image:Animeentry-overview.jpg|framed|right|Expanded Overview of an Anime]]
[[image:Animeentry.png|thumb|right|Expanded Overview of an Anime]]
[[Animeentries]] are the corepages as they contain most informations available at AniDB.<br>
[[Animeentries|Anime entries]] are the core pages as they contain most informations available at AniDB.<br>
They can be devided into 5 subsections:
''See also: [[Content:Anime]]''<br>
They can be divided into x sections:

:*Basic Info
:*[[Mylist]] Status
:*Group Info
:*[[Animeentries:MyList-Status|MyList status]]
:*Episodeentries with [[Fileentries|Files]]
:*[[Animeentries:Group Info|Group Info]]
:*[[Episodeentries|Episode entries]]
:*[[Fileentries|File entries]]
{{eyecatch|Note|The information on this page is based on having Javascript enabled on AniDB. Some things might be different if you have it disabled. We recommend enabling it in your profile.}}
Contains a picture of the anime, links to [[edit anime]], [[add/edit titles]], [[add/edit resources]] and various informations separated into various blocks/tabs (some of which can be customized):
:*'''Main Title''' - This field should feature the original title romanized (converted into Latin Characters). Normally that means the field will feature the official Japanese [[Wikipedia:Romaji|romaji]] title. In some rare cases the title will be the English one. This might be the case, when the romaji title is unknown or when the title was meant to be in English.
:*'''Official Title''' - This fields feature the official titles as released commercially. A green checkmark indicates a mod has verified the titles as being correct. The titles displayed will be:
::Japanese names in [[Wikipedia:Kanji|kanji]] for japanese anime
::Korean or Chinese names in [[Wikipedia:Hangul|hangul]]/[[Wikipedia:Hanja|hanja]] or [[Wikipedia:Hanzi|hanzi]] for Korean/Chinese anime.
::English - only if the anime has been licensed under any english title.
::Your language of choice as set in your profile for default anime language - only if the anime has been licensed under this language.
:*'''[[Anime Type|Type]]''' - The way the anime got released first as well as the number of episodes.
::*[[Anime_Type#TV_Series|TV Series]]
::*[[Anime_Type#TV_Special|TV Special]]
::*[[Anime_Type#Music_Video|Music Video]]
:*'''Year''' - Original release date/-year.
:*'''[[Categories]]''' - Complete list of all involved genre, places, time period and so on.
:*'''[[Resources]]''' - links to useful sites such as the official page, tv schedule or Wikipedia.
:*'''[[Votes:Anime|Rating]]''' - The average of all [[Votes:Anime|Votes]] for this anime.
:*'''[[Votes:Anime-Temporary|Tmp. Rating]]''' - The average of all [[Votes:Anime-Temporary|temporary Votes]] for this anime.
:*'''Stats''' - The total number of episodes (not just regular episodes) and files for this anime as well as groups that worked on subbing this anime.
:*'''User Stats''' - Total number of users that have this anime in their list, comments in the general comments thread and [[recommendations]].
:*'''Main Title''' - This field should feature the original title romanized (converted into Latin Characters). Normally that means the field will feature the official Japanese [[Wikipedia:Romaji|romaji]] title. In some rare cases the title will be the English one. This might be the case, when the romaji title is unknown or when the title was meant to be in English.
:*'''Official Title''' - This fields feature all the official titles as released commercially. A green checkmark indicates a mod has verified the titles as being correct.
:*'''Synonym''' - Anything not official, which is widely used, or if it is sold/aired under more than one name.
:*'''Short''' - A shortened version of the title.
===Add to Mylist===
You can add this anime to your [[mylist]] with this form using [[generic files]]
:*'''Add''' - The episodes from 1 to X that you want to add to your list.
:*'''Watched''' - Mark the episodes as watched or not.
:*'''[[Filetype#For_generic_files|Generic Type]]'''
:*'''Source''' - the source via witch you obtained the file. Optional.
:*'''Storage''' - Where you have the file stored. Optional.
:*'''Note''' - Any special comment. Optional.
===My Data===
*Mylist - total number of episodes in your list.
*Seen - total numbers of episodes watched in your list
*Storage - lists the values for the storage field for your files.
*Actions - {{color|red|got to figure out a better way to list this on different pages, maybe create a separate page}}
*[[Votes:Anime|Permanent Vote]]
*[[Votes:Animes-Temporary|Temporary Vote]]
*[[Notifications|Notification Type]]
*[[Notifications|Notification EP Type]]
*[[Notifications|To Watch]]
*[[Notifications|To Get]]

==Basic Info==
Every [[animeentries|animeentry]] features various informations:
Shows a list of options that you can use to contribute to the information available on AniDB.
:*<b>Title</b><br>This field should feature the original title romanized (meaning the title readable in latin chapters). Normally that means the field will feature the official Japanese [ romaji] title. In some rare cases the title will be the english one. This might be the case, when the romaji title is unknown or when the title was meant to be in english.
*[[edit this anime]]
:*<b>Jap. Kanji</b><br>This field features the official Japanese [ kanji] title. In case of a korean or chinese anime, names in [ hangul]/[ hanja] or [ hanzi] respectively are used.
*[[request removal]]
:*<b>English</b><br>This field features the official English title. Is the anime not licensed yet it might contain an unofficial translation of the original title.
*[[add new episodes]]
:*<b>Synonyms</b><br>Official titles in other languages or unofficial translations.
*[[mass add/edit episodes]]
:*<b>Short</b><br>Abbreviations of any title for faster finding of the anime.
*[[mass add new release]]
:*<b>Genre</b><br>List of the maingenres this anime features <b>outdated will get replaced by categories at some point.</b>
*[[add/edit anime relations]]
:*<b>Categories</b><br>Complete list of all invovled genre, places, timeperiod and so on. <b>still in developement and missing for most entries</b>
*[[add/edit resources]]
:*<b>Types</b><br>The way the anime got released first.
*[[add/edit categories]]
::*<b>TV</b><br>shown on TV
*[[add/edit cast]]
::*<b>OVA</b><br>released on DVD/VHS
*[[add/edit songs]]
*[[add/edit staff credits]]
*[[add/edit tags]]
::*<b>Web</b><br>released via WWW
*[[add/edit titles]]
:*<b>Episodes</b><br>total number of episodes
*[[add recommendation]]
:*<b>Year</b><br>original releasedate/-year
*[[add review]]
:*<b>Companies</b> <br>lists the involved companies. <b>outdated will get replaced by Producer at some point.</b>
*[[add similar anime]]
:*<b>URL</b><br>a link to the official Page
*[[report this entry]]
:*<b>ANN</b> <br>link to the AnimeNewsNetwork entry for this anime
:*<b>Animenfo</b> <br>link to the Animenfo entry for this anime
:*<b>Relations</b> <br>lists the various relations between this anime and some other. You will also find a button named <b>[graph]</b> which will display all relations in a graph, when you click on it. For adding relations see: [[How to add/remove: Relations]]
::*<b>sequel</b> <br>Direct continuation of the story.
::*<b>prequel</b> <br>Story that happens before the original.
::*<b>same setting</b> <br>Same universe/world/reality/timeline, completely different characters.
::*<b>alternative setting</b> <br>Same characters, different universe/world/reality/timeline.
::*<b>alternative version</b> <br>Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.
::*<b>character</b> <br>Shares one or more characters, story is unrelated.
::*<b>side story</b> <br>Takes place sometime during the parent storyline.
::*<b>parent story</b> <br>...
::*<b>summary</b> <br>Summarizes full story, may contain additional stuff.
::*<b>full story</b> <br>Full version of the summarized story.
::*<b>other</b> <br>unspecified relation
:*<b>[[Votes: Anime|Rating]]</b> <br>The average of all [[Votes: Anime|Votes]] for this anime.
:*<b>[[Votes: Anime: Temp|Tmp. Rating]]</b> <br>The average of all [[Votes: Anime: Temp|temporary Votes]] for this anime.
:*<b>Reviews</b> <br>
:*<b>[[Similar Animes]]</b> <br>link to the <b>Anime Recommendation database</b> located at <b>Anime Planet</b>
:*<b>[[Notifications|Notification]]</b> <br>Enabling these notifications will cause AniDB to send you a pm every time a new file is added to that anime.
:*<b>[[My wishlist|Wishlist]]</b> <br>
:*<b>Description</b> <br>Short summary of the anime

==[[Mylist]] Status==
===Main Cast===
This part is located directly below [[Animeentries#Basic Info|Basic Info]] (if the anime has gotten any [[Awards|award]] it will be below those) and only visible when you are logged in.

[[image:Mylist-status.png|framed|left|Shows how many eps you have in your [[mylist]], the [[mylist:watched|watched status]] and the [[Filestates|state]] you have set.]]<br style="clear:both;" />
===Main Staff===

It's structured into 3 sections:
:*<b>Anime title</b> <br> Besides the anime title it shows the [[Filestates|state]] you have set for your files.
:*<b>Episodes</b> <br> how many episodes you have in your mylist of the total eps. (total eps is zero, if the complete number is unknown) <br>the <b>+"x"</b> shows how many special episodes you have added to your [[mylist]] of this anime
:*<b>Seen</b> <br>[[Mylist:watched|seen eps]] of total eps in your [[mylist]].<br>the <b>+"x"</b> is for how many special eps you have seen for this anime.

{{eyecatch|Note:|This stat might be outdated or show wrong values. If that happens don't panic. Just wait till the next [[Routine Maintenance|DB update]] happens.}}

==Group Info==
On each [[animeentries|anime-page]], right below the [[animeentries#mylist-status|mylist-status]] and above the [[Animeentries#Episodeentries|episode-listing]], you`ll notice the <b>Group Info</b> with compiled information on how many episodes that group has done, what their last episode was, whether it's complete or not and when the last episode got added to AniDB.<br>
:*'''Episodes'''<br>Total number of episodes.
Furthermore if you have the anime in your [[mylist]] there will be a number in front of each group telling you how many [[fileentries|files]] you have of that group in your [[mylist]].<br>
:*'''Producers'''<br>Lists the involved companies and other staff.
In addition to that info, when you want to vote or comment on a group for a specific anime, look at the last three columns: <b>Rating</b>, <b>Comments</b> and <b>Action</b>.
:*'''Relations'''<br>Lists the various relations between this anime and some other. You will also find a button named '''[graph]''' which will display all relations in a graph, when you click on it. For adding relations see: [[How to add/remove: Relations]]
[[Image:Groupinfo.png|framed|center|The average rating for a group is hidden until at least 10 votes are cast. Also, the list only shows 5 of the groups, so you may have to click "show all" to get the complete list.<br>For further information about votes see: [[Votes: Anime: Group|Groupvotes per Anime]]]]
::*'''sequel'''<br>Direct continuation of the story.
::*'''prequel'''<br>Story that happens before the original.
::*'''same setting'''<br>Same universe/world/reality/timeline, completely different characters.
::*'''alternative setting'''<br>Same characters, different universe/world/reality/timeline.
::*'''alternative version'''<br>Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.
::*'''character'''<br>Shares one or more characters, story is unrelated.
::*'''side story'''<br>Takes place sometime during the parent storyline.
::*'''parent story'''
::*'''summary'''<br>Summarizes full story, may contain additional stuff.
::*'''full story'''<br>Full version of the summarized story.
::*'''other'''<br>unspecified relation
:*'''[[Votes:Anime|Rating]]'''<br>The average of all [[Votes:Anime|Votes]] for this anime.
:*'''[[Votes:Anime-Temporary|Tmp. Rating]]'''<br>The average of all [[Votes:Anime-Temporary|temporary Votes]] for this anime.
:*'''[[Similar Anime]]'''<br>A link to the '''Anime Recommendation database''' located at '''Anime Planet'''
:*'''[[Notifications|Notification]]'''<br>Enabling these notifications will cause AniDB to send you a pm every time a new file is added to that anime.
:*'''[[My wishlist|Wishlist]]'''
:*'''Description'''<br>Short summary of the anime.


Latest revision as of 20:57, 13 May 2023

This page's content should be accurate with Anidb's features, unless otherwise specified. However I'm a lazy fuck and someone else will have to make the page look clean. And that someone is YOU. Get to work now. PRESERVE SECTION NAMES as those might be used in links. Reordering them is fine though.
When this article's rewriting is done, this message will be removed.
This page has links to pages inside the wiki that don't exist, but need to be created in order to expand on the topic. DON'T ADD THIS TEMPLATE TO OLD PAGES.
When the required pages will be created, this message will be removed.
Expanded Overview of an Anime

Anime entries are the core pages as they contain most informations available at AniDB.
See also: Content:Anime

They can be divided into x sections:


Note The information on this page is based on having Javascript enabled on AniDB. Some things might be different if you have it disabled. We recommend enabling it in your profile.


Contains a picture of the anime, links to edit anime, add/edit titles, add/edit resources and various informations separated into various blocks/tabs (some of which can be customized):


  • Main Title - This field should feature the original title romanized (converted into Latin Characters). Normally that means the field will feature the official Japanese romaji title. In some rare cases the title will be the English one. This might be the case, when the romaji title is unknown or when the title was meant to be in English.
  • Official Title - This fields feature the official titles as released commercially. A green checkmark indicates a mod has verified the titles as being correct. The titles displayed will be:
Japanese names in kanji for japanese anime
Korean or Chinese names in hangul/hanja or hanzi for Korean/Chinese anime.
English - only if the anime has been licensed under any english title.
Your language of choice as set in your profile for default anime language - only if the anime has been licensed under this language.
  • Type - The way the anime got released first as well as the number of episodes.
  • Year - Original release date/-year.
  • Categories - Complete list of all involved genre, places, time period and so on.
  • Resources - links to useful sites such as the official page, tv schedule or Wikipedia.
  • Rating - The average of all Votes for this anime.
  • Tmp. Rating - The average of all temporary Votes for this anime.
  • Stats - The total number of episodes (not just regular episodes) and files for this anime as well as groups that worked on subbing this anime.
  • User Stats - Total number of users that have this anime in their list, comments in the general comments thread and recommendations.


  • Main Title - This field should feature the original title romanized (converted into Latin Characters). Normally that means the field will feature the official Japanese romaji title. In some rare cases the title will be the English one. This might be the case, when the romaji title is unknown or when the title was meant to be in English.
  • Official Title - This fields feature all the official titles as released commercially. A green checkmark indicates a mod has verified the titles as being correct.
  • Synonym - Anything not official, which is widely used, or if it is sold/aired under more than one name.
  • Short - A shortened version of the title.

Add to Mylist

You can add this anime to your mylist with this form using generic files

  • Add - The episodes from 1 to X that you want to add to your list.
  • Watched - Mark the episodes as watched or not.
  • State
  • Type
  • Generic Type
  • Source - the source via witch you obtained the file. Optional.
  • Storage - Where you have the file stored. Optional.
  • Note - Any special comment. Optional.

My Data


Shows a list of options that you can use to contribute to the information available on AniDB.

Main Cast

Main Staff



  • Episodes
    Total number of episodes.
  • Producers
    Lists the involved companies and other staff.
  • Relations
    Lists the various relations between this anime and some other. You will also find a button named [graph] which will display all relations in a graph, when you click on it. For adding relations see: How to add/remove: Relations
  • sequel
    Direct continuation of the story.
  • prequel
    Story that happens before the original.
  • same setting
    Same universe/world/reality/timeline, completely different characters.
  • alternative setting
    Same characters, different universe/world/reality/timeline.
  • alternative version
    Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.
  • character
    Shares one or more characters, story is unrelated.
  • side story
    Takes place sometime during the parent storyline.
  • parent story
  • summary
    Summarizes full story, may contain additional stuff.
  • full story
    Full version of the summarized story.
  • other
    unspecified relation
  • Rating
    The average of all Votes for this anime.
  • Tmp. Rating
    The average of all temporary Votes for this anime.
  • Reviews
  • Similar Anime
    A link to the Anime Recommendation database located at Anime Planet
  • Notification
    Enabling these notifications will cause AniDB to send you a pm every time a new file is added to that anime.
  • Wishlist
  • Description
    Short summary of the anime.