Joined 24 January 2013
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Senior Mod on AniDB.

== Misc ==
= Misc =
My AniDB page here: [ CDB-Man]
My AniDB page here: [ CDB-Man]

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CDB-Man tracker tickets: [[User:CDB-Man/tracker_tickets]]
CDB-Man tracker tickets: [[User:CDB-Man/tracker_tickets]]

== Licensing Footer DRAFT ==
Example of Template:Main and Transclusion: [[Achievements]]
'''Text for webpage footer:'''
<pre>v 2017-02, © 2002-2017 by AniDB; all rights reserved. [1s] - 19.02.2017 20:15:14  <-- note the change of comma to semicolon, and adding a period.

All content on AniDB is available under the [url=]Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) License[/url]; additional terms may apply. By using AniDB, you agree to our Policies as they may be updated from time to time.  AniDB reserves the right to update its Policies without notice.  By continuing to use AniDB, you acknowledge that you accept our Policies.
= Sandbox =
== CJK Definition ==
See {{short|post493623|here}}.

{| class="wikitable" border="1" style="text-align: left"
!  Legend
!  Definition
!  style="background-color: #ccffcc;"|✔
|  Add to AniDB
!  style="background-color: #ffffaa;"|'''?'''
|  ''Generally'' add to AniDB, decided on a case-by-case basis
!  style="background-color: #ffcccc;"|✖
|  Do '''not''' add to AniDB

== General Disclaimer UPDATE (including typos, grammar, etc) ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" style="text-align: center"
To solve some common misconceptions about AniDB:
!  CJK Definition Table
!  style=width:10em | CJK<br>Market
!  style=width:10em | Other East Asian<br>Market
!  style=width:10em | Non-CJK<br>Market
!  CJK Producer(s)
|  style="background-color: #ccffcc;"|✔
|  style="background-color: #ffffaa;"|'''?'''
|  style="background-color: #ffcccc;"|✖
!  Other East Asian Producer(s)
|  style="background-color: #ffffaa;"|'''?'''
|  style="background-color: #ffffaa;"|'''?'''
|  style="background-color: #ffcccc;"|✖
!  Non-CJK Producer(s)
|  style="background-color: #ffcccc;"|✖
|  style="background-color: #ffcccc;"|✖
|  style="background-color: #ffcccc;"|✖

:* AniDB does '''not''' host any files.  AniDB does '''not''' link to any files.
:* You '''cannot''' download any files from AniDB.
===Definition of whether an anime was primarily produced by a CJK producer===
:* You '''cannot''' download any files in our IRC Channels or Forum.
Expand this section to see our definition of whether an anime was primarily produced by a CJK producer.
:* Offering files or direct links to files in the forum or on our IRC channel will get you banned, as will asking for those links.
|Determining whether an anime is considered primarily produced by a CJK producer involves a subjective evaluation of potentially ambiguous facts. To aide in the assessment, consider the following scale from 0 to 100, where:
:* In cases where AniDB does link to external webpages, we want to underline that those sites are '''not''' part of AniDB, and as such are not under our control.  We are not responsible for any content found on such sites.
* 0/100 means the anime is clearly produced by non-CJK producers.
:* AniDB is a public anime database; everyone can {{AniDBLink|signup|signup}} and add info to the DB. DB entries are not verified by AniDB staff members before they are inserted into the DB. This means that the AniDB staff can not guarantee the validity of any entries, nor can they be held responsible for DB entries made by non AniDB staff members.
* 50/100 means the anime is evenly split between non-CJK and CJK producers.
:* AniDB does '''NOT''' allow "scraping" of our database, for '''both commercial <u>and</u> non-commercial purposes'''.  "Scraping" is not specifically defined, but some common sense should be used.  "Scraping" generally involves attempting to methodically download materially significant portions of the AniDB database into a private repository, through any means of access to AniDB's data, including but not limited to via the HTTP webpage and/or via our various available APIs.
* 100/100 means the anime is clearly produced CJK producers.
:* Should you need to contact an AniDB representative, please message {{AniDBLink|msg||1||exp|EXP}} on the AniDB forum.

To assess where an anime stands on the spectrum, we assess the CJK score of each production role in the anime, and sum total the weighted average CJK score of all production roles.
* Higher importance roles and credits are scored with a higher weighting. Examples of higher importance roles include, but are not limited to: direction, production, work, production work, animation work, etc.
* The role's weight is multiplied by the CJK score of the company/creator occupying the role (see definition below), to arrive at the weighted CJK score for the role.
* The weighted average CJK score of all roles determines the CJK score of the anime.
'''Example, ''for illustrative purposes only, non-binding, not precedent setting, needs to be reassessed on a case-by-case basis, and not in itself a deciding factor on its own'':'''
Anime: {{short|a18283|Scott Pilgrim Takes Off}}
* Production: weight 3.0, occupied by {{short|cr54015|Netflix}}, 0% CJK -- 3.0 * 0% &#61; 0.0
* Animation work: weight 2.0, occupied by {{short|cr48093|Science SARU}}, 100% CJK -- 2.0 * 100% &#61; 2.0
* Direction: weight 1.5, occupied by {{short|cr48450|Abel Góngora}}, 40% CJK -- 1.5 * 40% &#61; 0.6
* Storyboards: weight 1.5, occupied by {{short|cr48093|Science SARU}}, 100% CJK -- 1.5 * 100% &#61; 1.5
Weighted average:
&#61; (0.0 + 2.0 + 0.6 + 1.5) / (3.0 + 2.0 + 1.5 + 1.5)
&#61; 4.1 / 8.0
&#61; 51% CJK, with this limited subset of roles described."
====Definition of whether a particular company/creator is considered CJK====
Determining whether a company/creator is considered CJK involves a subjective evaluation of potentially ambiguous facts. To aide in the assessment, consider the following scale from 0 to 100, where:
* 0/100 means the company/creator is clearly non-CJK
* 50/100 means the company/creator is evenly split between non-CJK and CJK
* 100/100 means the company/creator is clearly CJK
To assess the where a company/creator stands on the CJK spectrum, we assess their qualitative factors, applicable to the specific anime in question, and approximate a numerical score.
'''Example, ''for illustrative purposes only, non-binding, not precedent setting, needs to be reassessed on a case-by-case basis, and not in itself a deciding factor on its own'':'''
Creator: {{short|cr48450|Abel Góngora}} for {{short|a18283|Scott Pilgrim Takes Off}}
* Gongora is a Spanish national who's been working in Tokyo for Science SARU since 2013.
* Gongora leads the Japanese production team for this anime.
** Gongora occupies the director role for this anime.
** The director role is owned by SARU on this anime.
Therefore, considering the above, we consider Gongora to score at least 40/100 CJK.
== JP Date Transcription ==
Refer to discussion {{short|post446790|here}}.
=== Rules for Transcribing Dates ===
The following are general guidelines for transcribing dates, both when used to refer to specific calendar dates (i.e. 25.06.2018), and when counting dates as units (i.e. "it has been 20 years", "2 months until the deadline", "I leave in 17 days").
==== -- "Full" Dates ====
If a "full" date is given without Arabic numerals, transcribe the kanji in full.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!  Text
!  Hiragana
!  Transcription
|  二〇一六年十二月十一日
|  にせんじゅうろくねん じゅうにがつ じゅういちにち
|  nisenjuurokunen juunigatsu juuichinichi
|  二〇一六年十二月
|  にせんじゅうろくねん じゅうにがつ
|  nisenjuurokunen juunigatsu
|  十二月十一日
|  じゅうにがつ じゅういちにち
|  juunigatsu juuichinichi
If a "full" date is given with Arabic numerals, leave the numerals in the transcription.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!  Text
!  Hiragana
!  Transcription
|  2016年12月11日
|  2016ねん12がつ11にち
|  2016-nen 12-gatsu 11-nichi
|  2016年12月
|  2016ねん12がつ
|  2016-nen 12-gatsu
|  12月11日
|  4がつ11にち
|  12-gatsu 11-nichi
==== -- Year (Counter: 年, -nen) ====
This policy does not apply to the 年 (nen, year) counter, when being used as a date. For dates regarding specific calendar years, such as "2016年" meaning "the calendar year 2016", transcribe as "2016-nen". If given in kanji, such as "二〇一六年", transcribe in full as "nisenjuuroku-nen".
If 年 is being used to count the number of years as a counter object, ie 12年 as in "twelve years", transcribe in full: ''juuninen''.
==== -- Month (Counter: 月, -gatsu) ====
The 12 months of the year are considered dictionary terms, always transcribe in full.  Similar to how the months in English are named January through December, the Japanese months are named 一月/1月 through 十二月/12月.  When used to refer to the month, transcribe in full, such as ''ichigatsu'' and ''juunigatsu''.
If 月 is being used to count the number of months as a counter object, ie 12ヶ月 as in "twelve months", transcribe in full: ''juunikagetsu''.
List of the 12 dictionary months:
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!  #
!  Text
!  Hiragana
!  Transcription
|  1
|  一月
|  いちがつ
|  Ichigatsu
|  2
|  二月
|  にがつ
|  Nigatsu
|  3
|  三月
|  さんがつ
|  Sangatsu
|  4
|  四月
|  しがつ
|  Shigatsu
|  5
|  五月
|  ごがつ
|  Gogatsu
|  6
|  六月
|  ろくがつ
|  Rokugatsu
|  7
|  七月
|  しちがつ
|  Shichigatsu
|  8
|  八月
|  はちがつ
|  Hachigatsu
|  9
|  九月
|  くがつ
|  Kugatsu
|  10
|  十月
|  じゅうがつ
|  Juugatsu
|  11
|  十一月
|  じゅういちがつ
|  Juuichigatsu
|  12
|  十二月
|  じゅうにがつ
|  Juunigatsu
==== -- Day (Counter: 日, -nichi) ====
This policy does not apply to the 日 (nichi, day) counter, when being used as a date. For dates regarding specific calendar days, such as "11日" meaning "the calendar date of the 11th", transcribe as "11-nichi".  If given in kanji, such as "十一日", transcribe in full as "juuichinichi".
If 日 is being used to count the number of days as a counter object, ie 11日 as in "eleven days", transcribe in full: ''juuichinichi''.
However, 1st to 10th, 14th, 20th, and 24th, are irregular.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!  #
!  Text
!  Hiragana
!  Transcription
|  1
|  一日
|  ついたち
|  Tsuitachi
|  2
|  二日
|  ふつか
|  Futsuka
|  3
|  三日
|  みっか
|  Mikka
|  4
|  四日
|  よっか
|  Yokka
|  5
|  五日
|  いつか
|  Itsuka
|  6
|  六日
|  むいか
|  Muika
|  7
|  七日
|  なのか
|  Nanoka
|  8
|  八日
|  ようか
|  Youka
|  9
|  九日
|  ここのか
|  Kokonoka
|  10
|  十日
|  とおか
|  Tooka
|  14
|  十四日
|  じゅうよっか
|  Juuyokka
|  20
|  二十日
|  はつか
|  Hatsuka
|  24
|  二十四日
|  にじゅうよっか
|  Nijuuyokka


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