UDP Clients

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#01 - ednaxtraynotific

user: ednax
stat: dropped
name: AniDB Notification, ednaxtraynotific
targ: Windows (2000, XP, 2003 etc... - maybe 9x)
lang: Visual Basic 6
func: http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1434
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2120

#02 - aniupdate

user: dinoex
stat: working
name: AniUpdate
targ: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD + Linux
lang: C / ObjectiveC
func: command-line helper, hashing, cache, add to mylist, read mylist info, mark viewed/unviewed, edit mylist entry, read file info.
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2613
url : http://iroffer.dinoex.net/aniupdate-1.17.tar.gz

#03 - pococlientanidb

user: bdonlan
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: POE (Component::Client::AniDB) / pococlientanidb
targ: Primarily Linux, but anything else that Perl runs on is a possible target as well
lang: Perl 5
func: At the very least, mylist adding functions. Maybe others.
cont: bdonlan@gmail.com

#04 - webaom

user: epoximator
stat: working, dev
name: WebAOM / webaom
lang: java
desc: simple AOM Applet / Application
func: those related to file handling
feat: ed2k, crc32, md5, sha1, tth hashing; file add to mylist; custom file renaming and moving;
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2555
url : http://wiki.anidb.info/w/WebAOM

#05 - wakeauanime

user: Finalspace
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: wakeau anime
targ: Windows
lang: Borland Delphi 5
func: All?
feat: Own Fast DB System mit Hash-Tables; Reading and Parsing AniDB Database infos; Very userfriendly and easy Window Interface; Xenorate Support; Plugin based
plan: Ported to FreePascal (Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, Mac, Windows); more features of anidb
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3150

#06 - spahm

user: Permidion aka Fafnir
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: spahm (for stupid php anidb hashing machine ^^)
lang: php
desc: sort of improved ed2k_hash thingy, that hash file and dump that
func: ?
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=329


user: WoLpH
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: ?
targ: Linux, *BSD and other *n?x systems
lang: C++
desc: Console client
func: those related to filehandling?
feat: local db; cust renaming; dir scan; data exporting (csv, xml, sql); autoadd to mylist;
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3288

#08 - cocoaaom

user: phip
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: CocoaAOM (Super tentative working title, with apologies to PetriW)
targ: Mac OS X
lang: Objective-C
func: All.
feat: File hashing, identification, renaming, addition to mylist.
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1833

#09 - ameame

user: epoximator
stat: dropped
name: ame / ameame
targ: win / *nix
desc: simple commandline based hasher / mylist-file-add util
feat: ed2k hashing; file add to mylist
func: those related to file handling
lang: c++
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2555
url : Windows Build | Source

#10 - ggkgpljigdff

user: elfish
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: ggkgpljigdff
targ: platform-independent
lang: Java
desc: Command-line renamer, similar in concept to goodsnes, etc.
func: those related to file handling?
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3559

#11 - mircadbcsc

user: W1N9Zr0
stat: needs more UI, documentation, proper timeouts, update for v3, stalled
name: mircadbcsc
targ: win32
lang: mIRC script
desc: mIRC AniDB Client Script
func: Notification; hash(using dll), add to mylist
cont: W1N9Zr0 on irc.deltaanime.net
url: http://w1n9zr0.deltaanime.net/mirc-scripting/AniDB/

#12 - anidbcmdc

user: ExElNeT
stat: unconfirmed, working, finished?
name: anidbcmdc
lang: java
func: those related to filehandling
feat: hashing (all types); renaming (100% cust); mylist adding; moving hashed, checked and mylistadded files in their own animename dirs; remove illegal strings from filenames (100% cust)
desc: anidb commandline client written in java for all those who love shells
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3779
url : http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~exelnet/anidbcmdc.jar

#13 - anidboverudp

user: Knch
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: AniDB-Over-UDP / anidboverudp
targ: Windows
lang: C#
func: all
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=374

#14 - festival

user: robert
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: festival
targ: All supported by PHP
lang: PHP
func: AUTH, FILE, and LOGOUT. those related to FILE
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4717

#15 - epaclient

user: aredhel
stat: dropped, as ed2kdump is faster.
name: epaclient
targ: linux (2nd OS: XP)
lang: python/gtk
func: import of mylist dump
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4733

#16 - xauc

user: fahrenheit (some work in the hashing part done by aredhel)
stat: in development/stalled @ aprox. 10% (need to rewrite: a/v info, local db and udp core)
name: xauc
targ: Linux (maybe cripled port to Windows, only some functions)
func: all
lang: C
feat: hashing; a/v info; local db; text interface;
plan: import exp templates; gui; web int; export dumps; file reports
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1208

#17 - kinglink

user: Kinglink
stat: starting testing (Getting UDP connection)
name: Unnamed Kinglink Project
targ: Windows
lang: C++.
feat: Two programs planned, First, simplistic "anime name search", possible data from specific anime. Second and more likely higher priority, toolbar Anidb notification
plan: Currently working with the UDP connection, once fully connected, proceeding from there.
cont: Frank.Reese@gmail.com

#18 - janidb

user: Sakrag
note: This client was abandoned for awhile, I am now resuming work on it.
stat: Moderately Functional - Some UDP API commands / Hashing / File Management
name: JAniDB (at least for now)
targ: All JVM supported platforms
lang: Sun Java 5.0 (Mustang extensions for if/when available)
feat: threaded hashing, mylist, complete udp api, tcp api (if devs let me) local database index, mirrored dump downloads (if desired), very nice user interface, cross platform compatibility (windows, linux, unix, mac, and others)
plan: Canning the old work and restarting from scratch. Have learned more programming tricks so it should also be a cleaner and faster running client (this is very amazing considering that it was 3x faster at hashing than anidb omatic and this is java, an interpreted language. anidb omatic was written in a native language).
cont: sakrag@gmail.com
url: http://www.janidb.ath.cx/

#19 - pyanidb

user: zyp
stat: Development, SVN-version supports hashing and adding of files.
name: PyAniDB
lang: Python, with some parts in C++. License: GPL
targ: GNU/Linux, may be ported to other platforms later.
cont: zyp@jvnv.net
url: http://dev.jvnv.net/misc/wiki/PyAniDB

#20 - myaa

user: Sn4keBite
stat: dev?
name: MyAA
lang: C++ (GUI application using Qt)
targ: Currrently only Linux, both Linux and Windows were originally planned
func: Mostly mylist and file functions
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3721
url: http://myaa.sourceforge.net/

#21 - pknotif

user: Su8Zer0
stat: dev/testing
name: PKNotif
lang: Delphi 2006
targ: Windows XP (probably others)
func: Popup with new notifs/messages in systray
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3850

#22 - animonitor

user: jonbaby
stat: in progress, mentioned features are working (with bugs)
name: anitorrent
targ: Windows
lang: C#/.NET
feat: Watch specified folders and sub-folders for files, drag and drop files, hash found files, automatically add to AniDB MyList, rename files based on AniDB info (customised)
cont: jonbaby275@hotmail.com
url : http://members.iinet.net.au/~lwerndly/

#23 - kenokitools

user: kenoki
stat: just started: AniDB, DVD portion: usable
name: kenokitools
targ: Linux
lang: mix, shell, C/C++, Java, Tcl
feat: Initial task to import my anime inventory into AniDB from my previous homegrown system and then integrate into my DVD archival system (homegrown too)
cont: dminer84@yahoo.com

#24 - adbren

user: clip9str
stat: working version (v3)
changes: v3 - Fixed hashing bugs. Changed to a more premissive licence.
bugs: None known in version 3.
name: AniDB Renamer
targ: all
lang: perl
feat: Hashing and then renaming files based on information from the anidb api and a user definable format string. Also can add files to mylist. run adbren.pl without arguments for full usage information.
help: Remember to edit adbren.pl and change USERNAME and PASSWORD constants.
licence: MIT
cont: clip9str[at]gmail[dot].com
url: http://www.svarteper.com/adbren.pl

#25 - HexiDB

user: sakrag
stat: alpha / dev
name: hexidb
targ: windows, linux, mac, solaris, any platform with jvm
lang: Java 1.5 (various platform specific libraries in c++)
feat: Complete UDP API implementation, notifications, hashing (md4, md5, ed2k, sha1, crc), media file info utility, fast integrated database
cont: sakrag@gmail.com
url: http://www.hexify.ath.cx

#26 - Anireader

user: KnightAR
stat: Dev, Re-Scripting
name: anireader
targ: Supports only PHP version 5.1+
lang: PHP (PHP5)
feat: Full API Support
desc: (Starting from scratch) Using classes with all possible features. With GTK2 for the GUI. Will use SQLLite for cache, and client will have multiable login support.
cont: knightar[at]gmail[dot]com

#27 - zanidb

user: zeroto
stat: dev, Connection works. ed2k hashing works.
name: zanidb
targ: All supported by java 1.4
lang: java 1.4
desc: complete mylist functions and hashing
cont: zerot@myrealbox.com

#28 - anidbfs

user: terrukallan
stat: pre-alpha, in progress
name: AniDBFS
targ: primarily linux, all supported by Python 2.4
lang: Python 2.4
feat: Complete UDP API implementation, local database, file hashing, local file management
cont: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=msg&do=new&msg.to=terru

#29 - anidbLib

user: semadk
stat: pre-alpha, in progress
name: anidbLib (client handle is anidblibc)
targ: All platforms that support PHP5
lang: PHP (PHP5)
feat: Complete UDP API
cont: the { at } sema { dot } dk

#30 - AniPop

user: oo22
stat: alpha
name: AniPop
targ: Windows
lang: C++
feat: System tray notification client.
cont: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=msg&do=new&msg.to=oo22
wiki: user:Oo22

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