Content:Episodes: Difference between revisions

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Moved episode titling to page
(→‎Non-Production Language Episode Titling Policies: rename to specify it only impacts transcription titles)
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*Other Episode ''(US Chopjobs & certain supportfiles (AC3 modpacks, fontpacks).)'' ''(O1, O2, ...)''
*Other Episode ''(US Chopjobs & certain supportfiles (AC3 modpacks, fontpacks).)'' ''(O1, O2, ...)''
{{eyecatch|Note|"Other" is NOT meant for OST's, Manga, AMV's or any other not official Special!<br>Disc menu animations are also not welcome in AniDB. Please do not add them.}}
{{eyecatch|Note|"Other" is NOT meant for OST's, Manga, AMV's or any other not official Special!<br>Disc menu animations are also not welcome in AniDB. Please do not add them.}}
==Episode Title==
===General Episode Titling Policies===
These basic principles apply to all episode titles of all languages and all episode types:
* Do not include the anime title in the episode title. The anime title is an "anime title", and therefore not an "episode title" and not to be included as any portion of any episode title; anime titles are stored in the anime entry.  This applies to all episode types, and all languages.
===Non-Production Language Episode Transcription Title Policies===
These basic principles apply to any language titles other than the original production language (e.g. English, French, Spanish titles, etc.).
====Finding Episode Titles====
# Check these sources, in order, to see if there is an official title available for the language in question:
## The video from an official licensed source for that language.
## The official website, if any.
## The tertiary official sources like the DVD/Blu-ray back cover, if any.
# If there is no official title for that language, use a translation of the official title from the production language (JP/KO/ZH).
After finding (or not finding) an applicable title, proceed to the next section on how to apply the title to each episode type.
====Applying Episode Titles: General Policy====
# '''TV series main episodes'''
## Not applicable.
## Use the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles.
### For English titles: otherwise if no title is found, use "Episode XX" where XX is the number of the episode.
### For all other languages: do not add a title.
# '''OVA and OAD main episodes'''
## If there is only one volume in the entire release, use "OVA"/"OAD" instead of the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles; also refer to [[Content:Titles#Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry|Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry]].
## If there is more than one volume, use the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles.
### For English titles: otherwise if no title is found, use "Volume XX" for each OVA/OAD episode.
### For all other languages: do not add a title.
# '''Movies main episodes'''
## If there is only one movie in the entire release, use "Complete Movie" instead of the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles; also refer to [[Content:Titles#Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry|Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry]].
## If there is more than one movie, use the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles.
### For English titles: otherwise if no title is found, use "Movie XX" for each movie.
### For all other languages: do not add a title.
## ''Movies split into multiple parts when released by fansubs''
### In the past (generally 2010 or older), fansubs used to release movies separated into multiple files: this was done to reduce file sizes, and allow files to fit on a 700MB CD-R.
### For example, a 2 hour movie may be split into 2 files of 1 hour each, resulting in a "Part 1" and "Part 2" file.
### When adding these to the database, only for Movies, we create multiple regular episode entries to store all the part files.
### The naming convention is as follows: "Part XX of YY" -- see example: {{short|a331|Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa (Laputa: Castle in the Sky)}}
### In the rare case of a multiple file fansub release for a movie series with more than 1 movie in the series:
#### When each movie has a title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles, use "_______: Part XX of YY". Examples: "Origination: Part 1 of 2", "Execution: Part 2 of 2".
#### Otherwise if no title is found, use "Movie ZZ: Part XX of YY". Examples: "Movie 1: Part 1 of 2", "Movie 2: Part 2 of 2".
# '''Music Videos main episodes'''
## If there is only one episode in the entire release, use "Music Video" instead of the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles; also refer to [[Content:Titles#Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry|Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry]].
## If there is more than one episode, use the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles.
### For English titles: otherwise if no title is found, use "Episode XX" for each episode.
### For all other languages: do not add a title.
# '''Web series main episodes'''
## If there is only one episode in the entire release, use "Web", "Short Movie", "Complete Movie", etc. as appropriate, instead of the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles; also refer to [[Content:Titles#Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry|Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry]].
## If there is more than one episode, use the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles.
### For English titles: otherwise if no title is found, use "Episode XX" for each episode.
### For all other languages: do not add a title.
# '''S episodes'''
## Not applicable.
## Use the title obtained under the rules for finding episode titles.
### For English titles: otherwise if no title is found, use the default "Episode SX" title format, e.g. "Episode S1", "Episode S13".
### For all other languages: do not add a title.
# '''C/T episodes'''
## Not applicable.
## Not applicable.
### For English titles: see the relevant type-specific sections for in-depth guidance.
### For all other languages: do not add a title.
====Anime Entry Types That Typically Only Have 1 Regular Episode Entry====
These anime entries typically only have 1 ''regular'' episode entry (regular episode type, meaning S episodes are excluded):
# Movie
# Music Video
# Web Series (when used to release an OVA/OAD, Movie, or Music Video; does not apply to Web Series used to release a TV series)
For these anime entries, when it only has 1 regular-type episode entry, the episode title is added to anime entry's title and '''not''' the episode entry's title; the entry's single episode title follows default rules as outlined above.
# Generally, this rule applies only for cases when there are one (''{{short|a13248|Hajimete no Gal: Hajimete no Bunkasai}}'') or two (''{{short|a14024|Koi to Uso: Isshou no Koi / Koi no Kimochi}}'') episode titles for the single episode release.
# In rare cases when there are more than 2 (''{{short|a13387|Tottoko Hamtarou: Anime Dechu!}}'') episode titles, do '''not''' add them to the OVA/OAD's anime title; they are added like usual to the episode entry's title.
===Stylized Episode Numbers===
Episode "titles" such as "Operation 9", "File #002" or "XYZ第一話" or "ABCの第三話" etc. are considered to be stylised episode numbers rather than episode titles.
* When they prepend the main episode title, do not add them or their transcriptions/translations to the title.
* When they appear standalone as the only thing in the episode title, use the default "Episode XX" or "Volume XX" naming convention instead.
==="Prologue" and "00" Episodes (For English Titles)===
When it comes to episodes that are numbered as "Prologue" or "00", unless there is a "clear indication" that an "episode 0" should NOT be considered as the first episode of the regular airing sequence, an episode 0 will be considered episode 1 on AniDB, as it is the first aired episode.
Examples of "clear indications" for what "episode 0" entries should NOT be considered as the first episode of the regular airing sequence:
* [ Macross Delta] -- episode S1, ''Battlefield Prologue'', this is essentially a trailer of the first episode
* [ Chaos;Child] -- episode S1, ''Chaos;Head'', this is a recap episode of the prequel series
For reference, the original discussion on AniDB's moderator IRC channel can be found [ here], along with follow-up comments [ here].
====In Summary: when an "episode 0" is considered as episode 1 on AniDB====
* An episode note should be added to provide a brief description.  For example: "Listed as Episode 00"
* We will apply the following episode title naming convention, to make it explicit that it is an "episode 0":
<pre>-- "Episode 0: xxxxx: yyyyy - zzzzz",
-- "Episode 00: xxxxx: yyyyy - zzzzz",
-- "Prologue 00: xxxxx: yyyyy - zzzzz",
Etc, where:
xxxxx: yyyyy - zzzzzz
Represents our general title naming convention of:
Main_ep_title: sub_title - sub_sub_title</pre>
===Guidance for T episodes===
T episodes include PV (promotional video), CM (commercial), Preview, Trailer, etc. (non-exhaustive list); essentially, anything that generally serves the purpose of promoting an anime is a T episode. Generally, T episode naming guidance is as follows:
* If available, provide the Japanese T episode title '''in full'''.
** For example: A PV posted on the official website (directly embedded, linked to YouTube or some other video service, etc.) would have an official title from the producer/distributor as written on the website (preferred) or as provided in the video's name or title card.
** For example: A web PV posted on the official YouTube would have an official title from the producer/distributor.
** Do not include extraneous bits in the title, such as "- Netflix", "TVアニメ" ("TV Anime"), that are metadata, but not part of the actual functional title of the PV.
* If a Japanese title is given, transcribe it '''in full'''.
* For the English title, the general naming convention is as follows: <<Type>> <<#>> (<<Length>>): <<Description>> - <<Sub-description>>
** Type: type of T episode, e.g. PV, CM, trailer, web PV, BD/DVD CM, etc. (non-exhaustive list). More descriptive terms are preferred, but terms should still be kept as short as practicable (e.g. do not expand "BD/DVD CM" to "blu-ray and DVD commercial").
** #: number the various T episodes based on airing order, for each type.  For example, if the anime has 3 PV and 4 CM, number them PV 1, PV 2, PV 3, CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4.
** Length: provide the length in (m:ss) format. For example (1:36), (12:35). Given that most T episodes do not have formal titles, the exact length helps to track the T episodes, as it is otherwise very difficult to tell the T episodes apart.
* Whenever possible, try to add a short and uniquely identifiable description of the shown content to the Note field of the episode, especially if that trailer or commercial is not available on the Internet. Good descriptions help immensely with identifying files from different releases whose labeling and ordering does not match with other releases or our episodes.
Example: {{short|e185514|<nowiki>PV 5 (24:00): Public Anniversary Special</nowiki>}}
The general naming convention is not universal. Use some discretion for special cases. Examples:
* A lot of easily identifiable information is given: {{short|e170347|<nowiki>CM Ep 11 and 12 (aka 23 & 24) (0:19) (#23番宣CM)</nowiki>}}
* Feature length PV, PV with a full TV title, etc: {{short|e183603|<nowiki>Arpeggio Movie #2 "Cadenza " Public Special Commemorative Program First 20 Minutes Release!! (Gekijouban Arpeggio Dai 2 Dan "Cadenza" Koukai Kinen Tokubetsu Bangumi Boutou 20 Bundai Koukai!! / 劇場版アルペジオ第2弾『Cadenza』公開記念特別番組 冒頭20分大公開!!)</nowiki>}}

==Play Length==
==Play Length==


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