
All fansubs have subtitles, only RAWs are without them, so this section should also be filled out for most files.

Subtitle type

Here you should specify whether the subs are:

  • Hard subs
  • Soft subs
  • Supplementary soft subs (i.e. sign translation)
  • Other, or
  • Unknown.

Subtitle Language

Select which language is used in the subs from the drop-down list.

Subtitle Flags

  • For foreign dub, ie "dubsubbed" - if the subtitles seem to be an exact match of the English (or other language) audio tracks, and doesn't follow the actual lip movements very well, it is probably dubsubbed. The subs in this case are a closed captioning of the foreign dub (ie non-original language dub) of the show. For example, an English voiceover dub by 4kids USA of Dragon Ball would be a foreign dub. Subs that match this English voiceover would be a dubsub.
  • Hearing impaired subs
  • Image subs (VOBSUB)
  • Styled subs (ASS/SSA)
  • Subs for commentary audiostream
  • Unstyled subs (SRT)
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