UDP Clients

Revision as of 18:14, 20 October 2009 by Stanz3k (talk | contribs)

General info

Please register your client here before using the UDP API.

Please note that the market for AniDB UDP API clients is very limited. If you want to make one, it should mainly be for your own sake; for experience or just for fun. It is however a good place to start if you are interested in making a full-fledged TCP API client; proving that you are capable and interested more than a week.

See also: The old register of clients (old forum)'

Hosted by AniDB


ame [ameame]
Developer epoximator
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2555
Date Mon May 02, 2005 9:30 pm
Status Working
Language C++ (wxWidgets)
Target OS Win32 / *nix
Description C++/wxWidgets version of WebAOM


WebAOM [webaom]
Developer epoximator
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2555
Date Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:56 pm
Status Working, in development
Language Java
Target OS All
Description Simple AOM Applet / Application - ed2k, crc32, md5, sha1, tth hashing; file add to MyList; custom file renaming and moving;

Working and available

Ordered by name.

AniDB Monitor

AniDB Monitor [animonitor]
Developer jonbaby
Contact jonbaby275@hotmail.com
URL http://members.iinet.net.au/~lwerndly/
Date Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:13 am
Status Working
Language C#/.NET
Target OS Windows
Description Watch specified folders and sub-folders for files, drag and drop files, hash found files, automatically add to AniDB MyList, rename files based on AniDB info (customised).

AniDB Renamer

AniDB Renamer [adbren]
Developer clip9str
Contact clip9str[at]gmail[dot].com
URL http://github.com/clip9/adbren/tree/master
Date 2009-06-28
Status Working (version 6) (Feature suggestions and bug reports welcome!)
Language Perl
Target OS All
Description Hash and renames files based on information from the AniDB API and a user definable format string. Can also add files to MyList. Run adbren.pl without arguments for full usage information.

v6 Changes:

  • Store username/password in a separate file. Prompt for username/password first time the client is run.
  • Decrease delays on MYLIST* and FILE commands. Add to mylist no longer on by default.
  • Log feature (Avoid reprocessing files), Format presets.
  • Better cache. Only login to API server if needed.
  • New, less strict, filename filter. (Strict is still available)
  • Recursive operation on directories.
  • Rename files in place.


AniDBCmdC [anidbcmdc]
Developer ExElNeT
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3779
URL http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~exelnet/anidbcmdc.jar
Date Sat May 14, 2005 11:54 am
Status Working
Language Java
Target OS All
Description anidb commandline client written in Java for all those who love shells. hashing (all types); renaming (100% cust); MyList adding; moving hashed, checked and MyList added files in their own animename dirs; remove illegal strings from filenames (100% cust)


anidbLib [anidblibc]
Developer semadk
Contact http://www.semaprojects.net/contact/
URL http://www.semaprojects.net/my-projects/anidblib/
Date 21:03, 6 Apr 2007
Status Working (version 1.0.1) (not tested with the newest version of the api)
Language PHP (PHP5)
Target OS All platforms that support PHP5
Functions All except NOTIFY*
Description PHP5 library for connecting to the AniDB UDP API and using its functions. All API calls can be sent with one central session object, and all responses is wrapped in objects.


AnimeCollector [animecollector]
Developer lattyware
Contact http://www.lattyware.co.uk/personal/
URL http://animecollector.lattyware.co.uk/
Date 24th of March, 2007
Status Working Alpha, under devlopment.
Language Python
Target OS Linux (Portable to other platforms?)
Functions Organise files, sort anime, update list, watch media players, etc...
Description A client for updating and organising anime, both manually and automatically. Works with both AniDB and MAL.


AniHash [anihash]
Developer Bjecas
Contact bjecas at gmail
URL http://www.bjecas.org; http://forum.anidb.net/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7414
Date September 23, 2008
Status Stable
Language C#
Target OS .Net Framework 2.0(Windows, possibly others)
Functions ED2K hashing - MyList add/edit
Description In short, AniHash is a program that allows you to easily add new files to your MyList. It calculates the ED2K hash of the file (or all the files inside a folder) and gives you the option to check it against AniDB's entries; if the file is known to AniDB, you can add it to your MyList.

Anime Plugin for MediaPortal

Anime Plugin for MediaPortal [anitorrent]
Developer jonbaby
Contact lwerndly@gmail.com
URL http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/mediaportal-plugins-47/my-anime-2-a-60793/
Date WedFeb 27, 2006 6:13 am
Status Working
Language C#/.NET
Target OS Windows
Functions FILE, ANIME
Description Hash files, and display file and series information within MediaPortal


AniUpdate [aniupdate]
Developer dinoex
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2613
URL http://iroffer.dinoex.net/aniupdate-1.17.tar.gz
Date Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:42 am
Status Working
Language C / Objective-C
Target OS FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD + Linux
Description Command-line helper, hashing, cache, add to MyList, read MyList info, mark viewed/un-viewed, edit MyList entry, read file info.


AniTracker [anitracker]
Developer DvdKhl
Contact dvdkhl@googlemail.com
URL Info: http://arokh.dnsalias.org/Programs/Descriptions/AniTracker.php

Download: http://arokh.dnsalias.org/DL.php?ID=AniTracker Forum: http://arokh.dnsalias.org/Atrium (guest posts enabled)

Date 22:31, 15 April 2008
Status DONE: GUI: design, drop files, process files (Avdump), add files to MyList (incl. vote), alternative faster hashing (refer to info URL), File History

API: Authenticate, Notifysystem, NAT, Errorhandling, MyList - WorkingOn: Bugfixing ToDo: Include Buddy API

Language VB .NET
Target OS Windows
Functions Adding Files to MyList, Filemanagement(Renaming/Moving), Notifysystem
Description Keep MyList Updated (Adding new files etc); Added filelist overview; Aim: Full UDP-API support


dotntf [dotntf]
Developer klbl
Contact klbl or kkllbbll[at]gmail[dot]com
URL http://dotntf.googlepages.com
Date Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:08 pm
Status Working, in development
Language C#
Target OS Windows
Functions NOTIFY
Description System tray notification for messages and new files.


GBPVRAniLib [gbpvranilib]
Developer Ommina
Contact ommina@gmail.com
URL GBPVR Plugin Wiki, and Screenshots, HTML from 1991
Date 22 January 2008
Status Available.
Language .NET
Target OS Windows + GBPVR Users
Functions AniDB integration from within the GBPVR HTPC application. Organizes anime and episode titles for playback; submit temporary and permanent votes via remote; marks MyList file 'watched' when episode completes playing. Limited to files available on local drives only, does not support files archived to optical media.
Description Plugin for GBPVR


libpyanidb [libpyanidb]
Developer alexer
Contact alexer@mbnet.fi
URL http://alexer.net/~alexer/libpyanidb/
Date Sun Dec 10, 2006 20:50
Status testing/should be stable
Language Python
Target OS linux (but should be crossplatform)
Functions full anidb udp api 0.03b + functions provided for file hashes + caching to mysql database (easy to add support for other databases too)
Description library for using AniDB UDP API in python (+ a small cli coming, intended for machines without windowing system)


mIRCaDBcSc / mIRC AniDB Client Script [mircadbcsc]
Developer W1N9Zr0
Contact W1N9Zr0 on irc.deltaanime.net
URL http://w1n9zr0.deltaanime.net/mirc-scripting/AniDB/
Date Wed May 11, 2005 5:48 am
Status Working, stalled. Needs more UI, documentation, proper timeouts, update for v3.
Language mIRC script
Target OS Win32
Description mIRC AniDB Client Script - Notification; hash(using dll), add to MyList


MyAA [myaa]
Developer Sn4keBite
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3721
URL http://myaa.sourceforge.net/
Date Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:33 pm
Status Working beta, DISCONTINUNED (unreleased code in SVN rep.)
Language C++ (GUI application using Qt)
Target OS Currrently only Linux, both Linux and Windows were originally planned
Description MyAA is a personal anime database, mostly designed to easily keep track of which anime and episodes you have seen and not seen. It supports the AniDB UDP protocol so you can update your AniDB.net MyList from time to time as well.


OpenAniDB [openanidb]
Developer Corbin Simpson
Contact MostAwesomeDude@gmail.com
URL http://forum.anidb.net/viewforum.php?f=20 or http://locke.aweenet.net/~simpson/oadb/
Date Fri August 24, 2007 2:30 pm
Status Working, experimental (heavily untested)
Language Python
Target OS Linux, Windows, anything with a Python interpreter
Description Full AniDB UDP client, with persistent MyList tracking and AOM-like off-line browsing.


PyAniDB [pyanidb]
Developer zyp
Contact zyp@jvnv.net
URL http://dev.jvnv.net/misc/wiki/PyAniDB
Date Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:28 pm
Status Working, in development
Language Python, with some parts in C++. License: GPL
Target OS GNU/Linux, may be ported to other platforms later.
Functions FILE, MYLIST
Description PyAniDB is a client for AniDB's UDP API. The SVN-version supports hashing, adding and renaming of files.


AniDBCnit [anidbcnit]
Developer iamnoone
Contact iamnoone
URL http://sourceforge.net/projects/anidbcnit/
Date Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:07 pm
Status v1 (first release, but *should* be working)
Language Java
Target OS all (via Java VM)
Description Simple command line utility for adding/updating MyList: un/viewed, storage, state, source.


RorikonJyanai [rorikonjyanai]
Developer radicand
Contact radicand on irc.rizon.net
URL none, contact on IRC if interested.
Date 15:00, 23 August 2008
Status v1
Language PHP5
Target OS cross-platform
Description Internal AniDB interface for rorikonjyanai

Перегляд-А (Pereglyad-A)

Перегляд-А (Pereglyad-A) [pereglyada]
Developer yos
Contact see the website
URL Info: http://www.systema10.org
Date 14:24, 05 October 2008
Status release 3
Language Java
Target OS Windows, Linux, other JVM capable OS
Functions ANIME
Description Local anime collection manager capable of getting basic anime data from AniDB. As for now targeted only at Ukrainian anime community.


ADBR [adbr]
Developer arcturo
Contact http://anidb.net/u17776
URL template parameter not defined
Date Mon 04 Feb, 2008 9:00 pm
Status Done
Language C++
Target OS template parameter not defined
Functions Hash, encryption, rename, MyList, local hash store, etc.
Description Client used for my own nefarious purposes.

In development, but not available

Order by latest update, please.


MyAnimeSorter [myanimesorter]
Developer Stanz3k
Contact http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=userpage&uid=382861
Date 2009-10-20 19:14 GMT+1
Status dev/testing
Language Delphi
Target OS Windows (currently)
Functions TBA
Description Anime Folder Organiser


Strahan [strahan]
Developer Strahan
Contact anidev@nischan.com
Date 2009-10-19 11:34 -5GMT
Status pre-alpha
Language PHP5
Target OS Windows
Functions TBA
Description Core classes for a private client.


AnGLE [angle]
Developer Detruire
Contact developer
Date 2009-10-18 00:40 +13GMT
Status pre-alpha
Language PHP5
Target OS Windows, Linux
Functions TBA
Description Core classes for a private client.


AniDB Linked Database Driven Anime Manager [alddam]
Developer negolith
Contact negolith+alddam@gmail.com
Date Tues 29 Sep 2009 14:47:00 +0800
Status pre-alpha
Language python,postgres,autohotkey
Target OS Windows
Functions myList changes, show launcher, synchronization between host and client
Description Database backend with python/autohotkey gui that allows viewing of eps and mylist updating


AnimeNFO [animenfo]
Developer DigitalisAkujin
Contact http://twitter.com/digitalaku
Date Wed 05 Aug 2009 11:43:00 +0100
Status alpha
Language Android Java
Target OS Android Mobile OS
Functions Search/Anime Information
Description AniDB client for Android Mobile OS


clanidbc [clanidbc]
Developer brot
Contact http://anidb.net/up33605
Date Wed 05 Aug 2009 11:43:00 +0100
Status pre-alpha
Language Common Lisp
Target OS TBD
Functions TBD
Description TBD


hashinfo [hashinfo]
Developer edogawac
Contact edogawaconan (IRC)
Date Thu 23 Jul 2009 17:43:00 +0700
Status pre-alpha,in progress
Language Perl
Target OS Whatever running perl
Description Dump ed2k links to add/del


animini [animini]
Developer misula
Contact minami@jabber.cz
Date Sun, 21 Jun 2009 22:16:45 +0200
Status pre-alpha, in progress
Language C++
Target OS All supporting Qt framework
Functions TBA
Description Local database of anime/episode/files, with file renaming, MyList synchronization, etc.

Python anime info

pyanidbinfo [pyanidbinfo]
Developer MizardX
Contact MizardX on freenode (IRC)
Date Sun Apr 19, 2009 04:00
Status pre-alpha, in progress
Language Python
Target OS All supporting Python
Functions TBD
Description Simple alternative to scraping the HTTP pages.


anidbphpclient [anidbphpclient]
Developer sebbu
Contact zsbe17fr at yahoo dot fr
Date thu Apr 09, 2009 13:22
Status pre-alpha, in progress
Language PHP 5
Target OS All supporting php5
Description local anime catalogue, MyList synchronization, notification of new episode of all MyList anime


asei [asei]
Developer Kulag
Contact http://www.anidb.net/up240801
URL None
Date Tue Nov 11, 2008 22:06 -0500
Status debugging
Language Python (Storm)
Target OS Python interpreter
Functions All but GROUPSTATUS and MYLISTEXPORT (implementation pending)
Description Complete interface to the UDP API including automated error handling and caching using Storm.


phatosac [phatosac]
Developer Shinji
Contact shinji (at) phatos-ac (dot) com
URL Not Available Yet
Date Fri Oct 31, 2008
Status Development
Language php5
Target OS PHP webserver
Functions in dev. not decided yet
Description private client for phatos-ac.com


zjeani [zjeani]
Developer zambast
Contact zambast@163.com
Date thu May 21, 2009
Status pre-alpha, in progress
Language PHP 5
Target OS All supporting php5
Functions ANIME
Description local anime catalogue


Madake [madake]
Developer Fёanor
Contact forgotten.beast'at'gmail.com
URL Not Available Yet
Date template parameter not defined
Status Development
Language C++ (deep Qt integration)
Target OS Windows, theoretically *nix and MacOS
Description Easy-to-use client-cataloguer.

Anime (n* not found yet ^^) Indexer by GentilBoulet

Anime (n* not found yet for the complete pun ^^) Indexer by GentilBoulet [anigb]
Developer boulet
Contact gentilboulet'at'gmail.com
URL Not Available Yet
Date August 2, 2008
Status Development
Language C++
Target OS Windows (Linux and mac latter)
Functions None Yet, targetting AUTH, LOGOUT, FILE, EPISODE, ANIME.
Description A program to index automatically anime to a database, and keep trace of media (witch episode on witch DVD/HDD).

GS Video Manager

GS Video Manager [gsvideo]
Developer gentro
Contact gentro'at'shaw.ca
URL Not Available Yet
Date Sun July 27, 2008
Status Development
Language Python
Target OS Linux
Functions None Yet
Description A program to manage an anime video library and eventually to handle playback.


ivar3 [ivartre]
Developer haste
Contact troeks@gmail.com
URL not available yet
Date Sat July 26, 2008
Status development
Language Lua
Target OS All supporting Lua and LuaSocket
Functions none yet
Description A Lua library for fetching information from AniDB.


liblain [liblain]
Developer pipian
Contact pipian@AT@pipian@DOT@com
URL not available yet
Date Fri July 11, 2008
Status development
Language Objective-C
Target OS OS X (Macintosh, iPhone), but GNUstep support is desirable
Description An LGPL Objective-C library that will enable the development of Cocoa-based AniDB applications.

jxanidb Java Applet AniDB Client

jxanidb Java Applet AniDB Client [jxanidb]
Developer jkaze
Contact User:jkaze
URL not available yet
Date Sun July 06, 2008
Status development
Language Java
Target OS All supporting Java
Functions None Yet
Description To implement simple interface java applet, see: AniDB Applet DEV.

Fansub-BT AniDB Client

Fansub-BT AniDB Client [fansubbt]
Developer Yahmose
Contact User:Yahmose
URL http://www.fansub-bt.com
Date Sun June 08, 2008
Status development
Language PHP
Target OS All supported by PHP
Description Private client used by http://www.fansub-bt.com to get anime informations from AniDB


pythonlib [pythonlib]
Developer digitv
Contact User:digitv
URL none yet
Date Sun May 30, 2008
Status development
Language python
Target OS linux
Functions not really anything yet
Description Daemonizes AniDB-parse process

Zune MetaEdit

Zune MetaEdit [zune]
Developer NeoTechni
Contact User:NeoTechni
URL none yet
Date Sun May 11, 2008
Status development
Language VB6
Target OS Windows
Functions FILE
Description Edit's metadata for episodes within Zune's client

Another PErl FIle REnamer

Another PErl FIle REnamer [apefire]
Developer zhevon
Contact User:Zhevon
URL none yet
Date Wed Apr 22, 2008
Status development
Language Perl
Target OS Linux/Windows
Functions FILE
Description Renames files based on user-defined scripts.

Azureus AniDB Plugin

Azureus AniDB Plugin [azanidb]
Developer qlesoc
Contact qlesoc
URL template parameter not defined
Date Sun Apr 06, 2008
Status Alpha
Language Java
Target OS Any OS running Java
Description Azureus BitTorrent plugin for adding files to MyList database.

Kuchar's test client

Kuchar's test client [kuchartestclient]
Developer luk32
Contact User:luk32
URL sorry, none yet
Date Thur March 12, 2008
Status pre-alpha i guess
Language C#
Target OS win32
Functions nothing real yet
Description Main purpose is to learn AniDB UDP API and working with udp, particularly in C#. Practical goal is to cover and extend AniDB functionality with managing of real resources/file containers such as DVDs CDs VHS etc.

Pretty Man

Pretty Man AniDB [prettyman]
Developer slainangel
Contact User:Slainangel
URL (will be when its ready) http://www.affordable-automation.co.uk
Date Tues Feb 05, 2008
Status pre-programming
Language Perl
Target OS Plugin for Pretty Man video manager
Functions MyList
Description A plugin to let PM index series by alternate titles, show episode titles etc.

Anime Library

Anime Library [animelib]
Developer lazyguy
Contact vlazyguy[at]gmail.com
URL http://none-at-the-moment
Date Tues January 29, 2008
Status pre-programming
Language Java 6.0
Target OS Java platform
Functions TODO
Description SWT/JFace client for organizing anime collection.

no name yet

no name yet [unknown]
Developer Aaaarrrggh, Ainawing, the-brain
Contact http://zone01.org
URL http://zone01.org
Date Thur November 11, 2007
Status pre-programming
Language Java 6.0
Target OS Java platform
Functions not decided yet
Description Anidb-Client programmed using the Extreme-Programming method.


individAnidb [individ]
Developer individ
Contact http://www.acc.umu.se/~individ/forum
URL http://www.acc.umu.se/~individ/forum
Date Thur July 5, 2007
Status beginning
Language Java 6.0
Target OS Java platform
Functions Notification
Description Systray notification only.


anidblib [anidblib]
Developer darsh
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=6163
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=25586#25586
Date Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:54 pm
Status unknown
Language Python
Target OS Posix, Win32
Functions full support of the UDP API (if I have time), integrated flood protection (I hope), some extra utilities, such as file hash computation
Description template parameter not defined


Aniki [aniki]
Developer spaceninja
Contact mpaulse at webafrica dot org dot za
URL template parameter not defined
Date Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:36 pm
Status In early development stage
Language Java
Target OS Any OS running Java 5.0
Functions FILE
Description Anime video file verification and renaming application


AniPop [anipop]
Developer oo22
Contact djoo22 at gmail dot com
URL http://theuw.cjb.net/
Date Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:29 pm
Status alpha (Progress is really slow right now due to school)
Language C++
Target OS WinOS / *NIX
Functions NOTIFY
Description System tray notification client for new added AniDB episodes and messages.


Anireader [anireader]
Developer KnightAR
Contact knightar[at]gmail[dot]com
URL template parameter not defined
Date 17:33, 4 April 2006
Status Dev, Re-Scripting
Language PHP (PHP5)
Target OS Supports only PHP version 5.1+
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Full API Support. (Starting from scratch) Using classes with all possible features. With GTK2 for the GUI. Will use SQLLite for cache, and client will have multiable login support.

AniDB .Net API Library

AniDB .Net API [anidbdotnet]
Developer emed795
Contact http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01JJM8teJReVMEPJ_amdOB3w==&c=B0oLvq1MkGiyb9WQP5H20mllPggdpfJ-MVAljVHu_NrMMHUiM83crwJp8tzzdc3G
URL template parameter not defined
Date Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:12 PM
Status Development - Partially Implemented
Language C#
Target OS Windows Vista and XP (.Net 3.5 Runtime)
Functions Provide a .Net library that fully implements the AniDB UDP API.
Description Full AniDB UDP API wrapper library written in C#. Plan to eventually include this library in future projects, but for the moment this library it is just being developed in my spare time.

Baughnie ADB

Baughnie anidb plugin [baughnie]
Developer Vaughn
Contact sveinoa[at]gmail[dot]com
URL template parameter not defined
Date 200703061129
Status design phase
Language Haskell
Target OS GHC 6.6, site-local framework
Functions template parameter not defined
Description A plugin for my local majordomo/automation framework, to automate my personal anime habits. A generally useful version seems unlikely at this moment.


bsadb [bsadb]
Developer bsdude
Contact bsdude - wiki: user:bsdude
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=27717#27717
Date Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:50 pm
Status alpha
Language Perl
Target OS Any OS
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Modification of adbren.pl to add some new features including use of hard links and a local database.


Bumblebee [bumblebee]
Developer perchr
Contact perchr@northblue.org
URL http://eastblue.org/projects/bumblebee
Date Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:10 pm
Status Development
Language Objective-C
Target OS Mac OS X
Functions All
Description Full client for OS X, similar to AOM


dranidb [dranidb]
Developer kirath
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=6401
URL template parameter not defined
Date Tue May 16, 2006 11:55 pm
Status unknown
Language perl/php
Target OS all
Functions hash, MyList adding, local DB, maybe others
Description template parameter not defined


awatch [honeydb]
Developer Leffe
Contact [1]
URL template parameter not defined
Date Sun Feb 4 13:40:58 CET 2007
Status Can hash files and add them to your list.
Language C99 with GCC extensions.
Target OS GNU-based systems, might require a Linux kernel. No binary distribution.
Functions hashing, MyList management
Description Limited functionality, hashing and MyList management.

JAX AniDB Client

JAX Anidb Client [jaxanidb]
Developer Sakrag, Ronicat
Contact sakrag@sakrag.com
URL http://www.jax.sakrag.com
Date 21:15, 26 July 2006
Status Media: Beta, Net: Beta, GUI: Beta, Database: Alpha, Hashing: Alpha
Language Java 1.5 (5.0) (various platform specific libraries in c/c++)
Target OS Full functionality: Windows XP, Linux, Mac OSX. Partial functionality: Other Unix compatible, Older Windows/Mac.
Functions All
Description Manage and watch your anime all in one program no matter what operating system you are using. JAX will support the full udp api (and tcp if the devs let us); faster hashing than aom (also asynchronous allowing multiple files to hash at a time) for ed2k, md5, sha1, and crc32; entire MyList functionality; viewable file info (fps, bitrate, aspect, codecs, streams, etc); and an embedded media player so you can watch your anime in the same program (Only supported on full functionality systems.


kenokitools [kenokitools]
Developer kenoki
Contact dminer84@yahoo.com
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=24326#24326
Date Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:52 am
Status just started: AniDB, DVD portion: usable
Language mix, shell, C/C++, Java, Tcl
Target OS Linux
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Initial task to import my anime inventory into AniDB from my previous homegrown system and then integrate into my DVD archival system (homegrown too)


korekutomania [korekutomania]
Developer extion
Contact extion@gmx.net
URL http://www.omnight.com/kkm/
Date Thu Aug 24, 2006 00:20 am
Status Nearly complete
Language C++
Target OS Win32
Functions CRC32/ed2k/TTH/MD5-hashing & verification, Advanced batch renaming, MyList adding, save and export local lists, codec identification, integrated webserver and a lot more.
Description Local catalogue over video and audio files, lots of features.


libanidb [libanidb]
Developer am285
Contact am285@gmx.net, amm@jaim.at (jabber)
URL www.yomi.at/projects there's nothing published, yet, but i will upload the source code as soon as it is ready for public testing.
Date Tue Jul 25, 2006 02:00 pm
Status dev/pre-beta (it works in my test cases, but there are probably lots of bugs left in the code)
Language C (c99)
Target OS a posix compatible OS (well i guess it would also run on BeOS or Windows, if i adapted the network-layer and the threading a little bit). currently it is developed under mac os x and therefore only tested on this platform (I will also test it on OpenBSD, FreeBSD and on a Linux distro...)
Functions Auth, Data, Notify, Mylist, Misc
Description a library written in plain C that provides access to the functionality of AniDB. its main purpose is to provide a separate gui-application (which i will be programming in cocoa, when i am finished with the lib) with AniDB-functionality. with this API it should be pretty easy to do a GTK2-client (or anything else that can communicate with C), too. I guess it is also be possible to do Perl/Ruby/...-bindings to provide the same API to other languages.


librubyanidb [librubyanidb]
Developer txfx
Contact none
URL http://freefx.free.fr/
Date Tue May 29, 2007 21:45 am
Status dev
Language ruby
Target OS Every platform supported by Ruby (developed and tested on Linux)
Functions Auth, Data, Notify, Mylist, Misc
Description a library written in ruby that provides access to the functionality of AniDB.


MDB.AniDB API [mdbanidbapi]
Developer Mateen
Contact http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=014AsK9oHkKN6yC-CphMxHZA==&c=jb52uB-cZf0CXYctdpHdsg==
Date Sun Aug 12, 2007
Status dev
Language C#
Target OS Win 32 with at least .NET 2.0
Functions http://forum.anidb.net/viewtopic.php?p=31571#31571
Description At first it's only going to get the data for an anime. No upload etc.


mediadb [mediadb]
Developer aengus
Contact oleg@kampai.ru
URL none
Date Wed Aug 16, 2006 23:19
Status dev
Language Python
Target OS all (developed and tested on Linux)
Functions hashing, adding, renaming files, maintaining local database
Description The module for maintaining the connection to AniDB, enforcing the flood-protection limitations, reconnecting and so on is already written. Also the scanning of the files is done. Everything that is received from AniDB is cached in local sqlite3 database. In future I plan to store in the database not only anime, but also live-action movies.


MyAniDB [myanidb]
Developer pateman
Contact patrick.nusbaum@gmail.com
URL none
Date Mon Feb 04, 2008 06:01
Status Under development
Language Delphi (CodeGear RAD Studio 2007)
Target OS Windows
Functions browsing AniDB database
Description I've started developing this client just for fun. Maybe someday it'll be something bigger. Well, we'll see.


NAnidbExt [nanidbext]
Developer ncmaothvez
Contact template parameter not defined
URL template parameter not defined
Date Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:16 pm
Status alpha
Language VB NET
Target OS Windows
Functions Whatever I need.
Description AniDB API extension for my personal MSAccess anime DB. Synchronizes AniDB MyList with my database et.c. More info if/when dev continues.


OLtennyo [tennyo]
Developer peterxxl
Contact flashhole@seznam.cz
URL none
Date Thu Jul 04, 2006 11:23 am
Status dev/testing
Language PHP 4
Target OS all
Functions anime info, notifications, ...
Description AniDB UDP API library


PKNotif [pknotif]
Developer Su8Zer0
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3850
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=24138#24138
Date Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:43 pm
Status dev/testing
Language Delphi 2006
Target OS Windows XP (probably others)
Functions Popup with new notifs/messages in systray
Description template parameter not defined


pudge [pudge]
Developer Ikarus
Contact none
URL template parameter not defined
Date 2007-04-21
Status development/experimentation
Language Perl
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Experimental client for simple use (will disappear when finished and integrated into a final client)


Saishuu [saishuu]
Developer Wizgob
Contact wizgob
URL template parameter not defined
Date 6 March 2007
Status Development.
Language C#
Target OS Windows
Functions hashing, MyList management
Description Client with a friendly interface.


xauc [xauc]
Developer fahrenheit (some work in the hashing part done by aredhel)
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1208
URL template parameter not defined
Date Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:45 pm
Status in development/very very stalled @ aprox. 10% (need to rewrite: a/v info, local db and udp core)
Language C
Target OS Linux (maybe crippled port to Windows, only some functions)
Functions all
Description hashing; a/v info; local db; text interface; import exp templates; gui; web int; export dumps; file reports


gpapc [gpapc]
Developer Jarudin
Contact jarudin@hotmail.com
URL template parameter not defined
Date 16:10, 16 August 2006
Status initial design
Language PHP 5.0
Target OS Web app (OS independent)
Functions template parameter not defined
Description General Purpose AniDB PHP Client

AniDB Indexer

AniDB Indexer [anidbindexer]
Developer Reaver121
Contact reaver121@yahoo.com
URL none yet
Date 00:15, 8 April 2007
Status core system & gui working, currently debugging and expanding features
Language C# 2.0
Target OS Windows with .NET framework 2.0
Functions indexing & monitoring, MyList, notifications, hashing & renaming, local db, search, delete & play
Description Indexing files & monitoring folders on disk, renaming & multithreaded hashing, MyList, notifications, searching of local db and local files on multiple criteria (serie, genre,...), user-defined categories, delete files and launch local mediaplayer from within program


AnyAni [anyani]
Developer tipsybroom
Contact tipsybroom@web.de or tipsybroom@msn.com
URL http://www.tipsybroom.de
Date September 25, 2007
Status beginning
Language .NET 2.0
Target OS Microsoft Windows
Functions Files, Notification, Manage
Description Tool for various operations.


AniTk [anitk]
Developer tagus
Contact tiago.dionizio@gmail.com
URL none yet
Date October 5, 2007
Status research/beginning
Language Tcl/Tk 8.5b1
Target OS all
Functions MyList management
Description client with graphical interface

AniDB FileManager

AniDB FileManager [anidbfilemanager]
Developer Ultrafusion
Contact template parameter not defined
URL http://ultrafusionsoftware.googlepages.com/
Date November 16, 2007
Status Development
Language C# 2.0
Target OS Microsoft Windows
Functions Files, MylistAdd
Description Created as a means for my anime collection, which is spread across multiple drives, to be listed in a single window sorted by Anime title. Goal is organize and rename automatically, and be a nice interface to my collection.


libPHPAniDB [libphpanidb]
Developer Buzer
Contact Buzer.buzer.net (change first dot to at)
URL template parameter not defined
Date Sun 8th December, 2007 10:30pm
Status in development
Language PHP5
Target OS All platforms that support PHP5
Functions Currently none, possibly all in the future
Description General purpose library


AnidbSentinel [anidbsentinel]
Developer Xaid
Contact none
URL none
Date Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:26 pm
Status in-development
Language ruby
Target OS Every platform supported by Ruby (developed and tested on Gentoo Linux)
Functions Auth, Ping, Version, Uptime, File, User, Logout, Anime
Description a library and a client written in Ruby.


bashapi [bashapi]
Developer dhhyi
Contact dhhyi at #reisplanet@irc.rizon.net
URL http://honorhill.dyndns.org:56/reisplanetsite/jbashapi/
Date 26 Apr 2009
Status dev
Language java 1.5
Target OS all
Functions all (maybe)
Description library for java


anied [anied]
Developer nolem
Contact template parameter not defined
URL template parameter not defined
Date 22:01, 22 April 2008
Status dev
Language C++
Target OS Win32, nix*
Functions template parameter not defined
Description command line client


EggdropToAniDB [eggdroptoanidb]
Developer schadowfox
Contact schadowfox in #schadowfox at irc.synirc.net
URL check the topic in #schadowfox at irc.synirc.net
Date 22:57, 22 April 2008
Status development
Language TCL
Target OS
  • nix
Functions not yet decided.
Description Eggdrop Enhancement


FlexiDB [flexidb]
Developer crado
Contact template parameter not defined
URL template parameter not defined
Date 5:43, 27 April 2008
Status development
Language Flex
Target OS Anything
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Simple Flex MyList updating

AniDB Info Fetcher

AniDB Info Fetcher [anidbinfofetcher]
Developer soundwave
Contact soundwave@netcabo.pt
URL template parameter not defined
Date 8:43, 5 May 2008
Status development
Language Java
Target OS Anything
Functions not decided yet
Description Simple Java anime and episode info fetcher based on selected file


aniphp [aniphp]
Developer lendelgan
Contact lendelgan
URL none yet
Date Wed June 25, 2008
Status development
Language php5
Target OS Anything
Functions not decided yet
Description PHP implementation for various sites.


XeleAniDB [xeleanidb]
Developer Xele
Contact N/A
Date Sun Aug 08, 2008 16:14 am
Status unknown
Language PHP
Target OS N/A
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Private application


mAnimeList [manimelist]
Developer NoNaMeNo
Contact dreamer86 at gmail dot com
Date Sun Sep 14, 2008 17:48
Status development
Language python, gtk
Target OS Posix, Windows
Functions not decided yet
Description yet another anime list


phpxml [phpxml]
Developer lrudor
Contact lrudor'at'gmail.com
URL Not Available Yet
Date October 3, 2008
Status Development
Language php
Target OS Cross Platform
Functions Search, Anime Data,
Description A program to retrieve description, and other information for display.


AniAki [tennyo]
Developer Benda_11
Contact benda_11@centrum.cz
URL none
Date Thu Jul 07, 2008 19:15 am
Status dev/testing
Language PHP 4/5
Target OS all
Functions anime info, notifications, ...
Description AniDB UDP API library


Kiara Is A Recursive Acronym -or- Kittens In Anime Rarely Asphyxiates [kiara]
Developer bjuhn
Contact hartfelt@mysecondfacetube.dk
URL Not Available Yet
Date Tue Oct 28 14:44:21 CET 2008
Status Development
Language C++
Target OS Linux, so far. probably bsd's and macs too, at some point
Functions None, yet
Description Commandline utility (and possibly plugin for various media players) that will add files, mark files watched and organize them in folders


Kawaii Anime Database [kawaii]
Developer finalspace
Contact finalspace@web.de
URL Not Available Yet
Date Tue Nov 04 12:38:00 CET 2008
Status Development
Language C#
Target OS Windows
Functions None
Description Windows forms application to organize anime infos


maid [maid]
Developer pigoz
Contact slicer1337@gmail.com
URL Not Available Yet
Date Fri Jun 04 14:18:00 CET 2009
Status Development
Language Objective-C
Target OS MacOSX
Functions None yet. Planning AUTH, MYLIST, DATA & MISC.
Description Cocoa Library to implement the AniDB UDP protocol. Might use some of the XML features too.


Anime Collection Manager [animecm]
Developer AniDB nick: BlackHack, SF nick: AnimeFanatic
Contact animefanatic@users.sourceforge.net
URL http://animecm.sourceforge.net
Date July 2009
Status Development
Language C#
Target OS Windows 64-Bit (.NET)
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Automatically moniters anime collection, eliminates alot of the manual uploading/sorting of anime. Future features might include automatic downloading.


Anidb4msp [anidbformsp]
Developer Shaika
Contact shaikadzari@gmail.com
Date August 2009
Status Development
Language php
Target OS Web
Functions Search, retreive anime description, more
Description A msp plugin web page to browse anidb from a popcorn hour media tank.


Anime Checker [anicheck]
Developer Sammer
Contact bcsammer@hotmail.com
Date September 2009
Status Development
Language C#
Target OS Windows 32-Bit (.NET)
Functions template parameter not defined
Description For testing purposes only.

AniDB Organizer

AniDB Organizer [adborg]
Developer etele
Contact template parameter not defined
URL template parameter not defined
Date Oktober 11, 2009
Status under development
Language perl
Target OS Linux
Functions file hashing, mylist, maybe other functions
Description perl based client, with mysql DB, and PHP gui

Unknown status


ACat [acat]
Developer IsillorN
Contact warlock-2000 at mail dot ru
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=26358#26358
Date Wed May 24, 2006 11:58 am
Status pre-alpha, in progress
Language Borland Delphi
Target OS Win32
Functions local anime catalogue, MyList synchronization, importing anime info from AniDB
Description template parameter not defined


AniDBFS [anidbfs]
Developer terrukallan
Contact terru
URL template parameter not defined
Date 0:11, 18 April 2006
Status pre-alpha, in progress
Language Python 2.4
Target OS primarily linux, all supported by Python 2.4
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Complete UDP API implementation, local database, file hashing, local file management


anidbinfo [anidbinfo]
Developer TheSpawn
Contact spawnp<at>gmail<dot>com
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=26287#26287
Date Thu May 18, 2006 11:43 am
Status develop...
Language C# 2.0.
Target OS Windows ALL. Perhaps and Linux too.
Description At this moment it's only info about anime, but perhaps I will do MyList editing etc


Anidbloc [anidbloc]
Developer cmta
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=6690
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=26900#26900
Date Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:07 pm
Status pre-alpha, in progress
Language Borland Delphi
Target OS WinXP
Functions Local anime database service, local network distributed storage support, processing of orders for sharing from local network.
Description template parameter not defined


AniNB [aninb]
Developer NvrBst
Contact none
URL none
Date Sun Sep 02, 2009 8:07 pm
Status none
Language none
Target OS none
Functions none
Description Trying out the UDP API


Loki [loki]
Developer Lenn
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=5879
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=25014#25014
Date Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:35 am
Status unknown
Language C#
Target OS N/A
Functions template parameter not defined
Description N/A


zanidb [zanidb]
Developer zeroto
Contact zerot@myrealbox.com
URL template parameter not defined
Date 13:43, 10 April 2006
Status dev, Connection works. ed2k hashing works.
Language java 1.4
Target OS All supported by java 1.4
Functions template parameter not defined
Description complete MyList functions and hashing


Reanmachine AniDB .NET Lib [reanmachine]
Developer ReAn
Contact rean1985[at]gmail[dot]com
URL template parameter not defined
Date 11:40, 17 June 2008
Status development
Language C# / .NET
Target OS Windows (.NET), *nix (Mono)
Functions template parameter not defined
Description .NET Library for the AniDB API

Dropped / Old

AniDB-Over-UDP [anidboverudp]
Developer Knch
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=374
URL template parameter not defined
Date Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:57 pm
Status unconfirmed, stalled?
Language C#
Target OS Windows
Functions all
Description template parameter not defined

CocoaAOM [cocoaaom]
Developer phip
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1833
URL template parameter not defined
Date Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:12 am
Status unconfirmed, stalled?
Language Objective-C
Target OS Mac OS X
Functions All.
Description File hashing, identification, renaming, addition to MyList.

AniDB Notification [ednaxtraynotific]
Developer ednax
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2120
URL template parameter not defined
Date Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:54 pm
Status dropped
Language Visual Basic 6
Target OS Windows (2000, XP, 2003 etc... - maybe 9x)
Functions http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1434
Description template parameter not defined

epaclient [epaclient]
Developer aredhel
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4733
URL template parameter not defined
Date Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:23
Status dropped, as ed2kdump is faster.
Language python/gtk
Target OS linux (2nd OS: XP)
Functions import of MyList dump
Description template parameter not defined

AniBook [anibook]
Developer snif
Contact template parameter not defined
URL template parameter not defined
Date Tue October 23, 2007 14:50
Status in development
Language php
Target OS template parameter not defined
Functions facebook compatability
Description template parameter not defined
festival [festival]
Developer robert
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4717
URL template parameter not defined
Date Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:29 am
Status unconfirmed, stalled?
Language PHP
Target OS All supported by PHP
Functions AUTH, FILE, and LOGOUT. those related to FILE
Description template parameter not defined

ggkgpljigdff [ggkgpljigdff]
Developer elfish
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3559
URL template parameter not defined
Date Tue May 03, 2005 10:40 pm
Status unconfirmed, stalled?
Language Java
Target OS platform-independent
Functions those related to file handling?
Description Command-line renamer, similar in concept to goodness, etc.

JAniDB [janidb]
Developer Sakrag
Contact sakrag@gmail.com
URL http://www.janidb.ath.cx/
Date Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:17 am
Status Dropped. See 'JAX AniDB Client'.
Language Sun Java 5.0 (Mustang extensions for if/when available)
Target OS All JVM supported platforms
Functions template parameter not defined
Description threaded hashing, MyList, complete UDP API, TCP API (if devs let me) local database index, mirrored dump downloads (if desired), very nice user interface, cross platform compatibility (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, and others). Canning the old work and restarting from scratch. Have learned more programming tricks so it should also be a cleaner and faster running client (this is very amazing considering that it was 3x faster at hashing than AniDB O'Matic and this is Java, an interpreted language. AniDB O'Matic was written in a native language).

Unnamed Kinglink Project [kinglink]
Developer Kinglink
Contact Frank.Reese@gmail.com
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=22835#22835
Date Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:35 am
Status starting testing (Getting UDP connection)
Language C++.
Target OS Windows
Functions template parameter not defined
Description Two programs planned, First, simplistic "anime name search", possible data from specific anime. Second and more likely higher priority, toolbar AniDB notification. Currently working with the UDP connection, once fully connected, proceeding from there.

otani [otani]
Developer AnimeOtaku
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2953
URL http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=22731#22731
Date Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:57 pm
Status dev/testing
Language C or C++
Target OS Windows, later Linux
Functions For the beginning, it should be a cmd client, which can list MyList and "all anime" list (offline too). 2nd part will be graphical issues or/and change something in MyList or add.
Description template parameter not defined

POE (Component::Client::AniDB) [pococlientanidb]
Developer bdonlan
Contact bdonlan@gmail.com
URL template parameter not defined
Date Fri Dec 24, 2004 3:04 am
Status unconfirmed, stalled?
Language Perl 5
Target OS Primarily Linux, but anything else that Perl runs on is a possible target as well
Functions At the very least, MyList adding functions. Maybe others.
Description template parameter not defined

spahm (for stupid PHP AniDB hashing machine ^^) [spahm]
Developer Permidion aka Fafnir
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=329
URL template parameter not defined
Date Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:35 pm
Status unconfirmed, stalled?
Language php
Target OS template parameter not defined
Functions ?
Description sort of improved ed2k_hash thingy, that hash file and dump that

Developer WoLpH
Contact http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3288
URL template parameter not defined
Date Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:47 pm
Status unconfirmed, stalled?
Language C++
Target OS Linux, *BSD and other *n?x systems
Functions those related to filehandling?
Description local db; cust renaming; dir scan; data exporting (csv, xml, sql); autoadd to MyList;
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