You know an Anime that's not listed...
AniDB is a user driven DB and every user can add new anime entries. So if you know an anime that is not yet in AniDB, we encourage you to add it. But before you do so, please check the AniDB Definition of Anime and make sure the new entry is really an anime according to our definition! Furthermore, please check the anime is really not added to the DB under a synonym!
We also ask you to include as much info as possible when adding a new anime, it's for all users' benefit.
Where can I add Anime?!
You can find the add anime link at the bottom of the animelist or mylist. Once you click it you're on the "Add Anime" page. There's a lot of info you can input here.
Basic info you should include when adding an Anime
Name aka "Anime Name (Romaji)"
Please enter the romaji (Hepburn) Anime title in this field. Please check our Kanji & Romaji Guideline for further assistance with this.
official English title: Fullmetal Alchemist
official Japanese Romaji title: Hagane no Renkinjutsushi
Check the official Japanese(!) page or allcinema Sometimes OVA's are shown on Pay-TV before they are getting sold (PPV). Those are to be added as TV and not OVA(!) as the first airing counts!
Check the official Japanese(!) page, allcinema or Japanese TV Guide.
check the official Japanese(!) page or other pages listed here: Where to find release-dates for Anime
The Url to Pic allows you to add a picture for this anime. It will be displayed together with the anime info. You can use the Upload a Pic function to upload a pic directly from your hdd to the AniDB server.
You could enter a complete URL to a pic here, but the previous method is prefered, because it ensures that the pic stays available and is loaded directly from our server. The upload a pic function generates short image names which look like xxx.jpg (xxx is a number). After uploading a pic copy this imagename as is into the Url to Pic field (don't add http:// or anything).
- the recommended size for pictures is 300x400
- don't use animated pics
- there is no size limit the pic should stay under 100kb, if possible
- A short summary of the Anime
- referable with as lil spoilers as possible.
- no personal comments!
optional Info
check the official Japanese(!) page, Japanese TV Guide or other pages listed here: Where to find release-dates for Anime
Be careful with 25:00 shows!
Japanese TV schedule says 01.03.2005 25:30 this means it aired 02.03.2005 01:30
check the official Japanese(!) page
official Japanese page preferred
visit their page and copy the link to the entry
visit their page and copy the link to the entry
other official Titles, Synonyms and Shorttitles
Please refer to our Synonym/Short Title Guideline for this.
Please refer to the Genre Guideline for this.
Please refer to our Producer Guideline for this
Please refer to our Relations Guideline for this