AniDB:Changelog: Difference between revisions

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??.02.2007 v0.1.47
??.02.2007 v0.1.47
[FEAT] tabs for anime page (anime, edit anime, history, discussion, reviews - css needs stylign first before those show up)
*[FEAT] tabs for anime page (anime, edit anime, history, discussion, reviews - css needs stylign first before those show up)
[FEAT] broke the info box on the anime page into multiple js tabs (enabled via profile and needs css styling to work)
*[FEAT] broke the info box on the anime page into multiple js tabs (enabled via profile and needs css styling to work)
[FEAT] lots of stuff foldable (try clicking on "info" on the anime page - needs css changes)
*[FEAT] lots of stuff foldable (try clicking on "info" on the anime page - needs css changes)
[FEAT] discussion page per anime added (pseudo 1 thread forum)
*[FEAT] discussion page per anime added (pseudo 1 thread forum)
[FEAT] release and review comments pimped up (icons, paging, votes and shit)
*[FEAT] release and review comments pimped up (icons, paging, votes and shit)
[FEAT] AJAX version of the anime page (profile option to enable)
*[FEAT] AJAX version of the anime page (profile option to enable)
[FEAT] avmf stats on myplace (831)
*[FEAT] avmf stats on myplace (831)
[FEAT] show undumped count on grouppage (831)
*[FEAT] show undumped count on grouppage (831)
[FEAT] avmf page opened up for anyone
*[FEAT] avmf page opened up for anyone
[FEAT] dynamic (js) sorting of producer, episode, anime, group page
*[FEAT] dynamic (js) sorting of producer, episode, anime, group page
[FEAT] multisortable tableheader
*[FEAT] multisortable tableheader
[FEAT] anime schedule page
*[FEAT] anime schedule page
[FEAT] quickvote page to allow (re)setting multiple anime votes at once (you have to have stuff in your mylist set watched of course)
*[FEAT] quickvote page to allow (re)setting multiple anime votes at once (you have to have stuff in your mylist set watched of course)
[FEAT] option to hide eptb on filemode in mylist
*[FEAT] option to hide eptb on filemode in mylist
[FEAT] random anime link in the navibar (346)
*[FEAT] random anime link in the navibar (346)
[FEAT] allow excluding of categories @ search
*[FEAT] allow excluding of categories @ search
[FEAT] paging for reviews
*[FEAT] paging for reviews
[MISC] reviewvotes replaced by an approval percentage between 1-100 (internal mechanism of those votes changed as well)
*[MISC] reviewvotes replaced by an approval percentage between 1-100 (internal mechanism of those votes changed as well)
[MISC] js tabbing added to profile page (needs css changes)
*[MISC] js tabbing added to profile page (needs css changes)
[MISC] replaced 5mio apply buttons in profile with 2
*[MISC] replaced 5mio apply buttons in profile with 2
[MISC] can now send a new message and delete a message from the message list without doing a page load
*[MISC] can now send a new message and delete a message from the message list without doing a page load
[MISC] split votes and rating in animelist
*[MISC] split votes and rating in animelist
[MISC] filter on grouplist added (hide groupjoints)
*[MISC] filter on grouplist added (hide groupjoints)
[MISC] hint bar for guests to remind to sign up
*[MISC] hint bar for guests to remind to sign up
[MISC] only show related stream creqs for edit file requests (ie. not comments)
*[MISC] only show related stream creqs for edit file requests (ie. not comments)
[MISC] allow more than 1 relation to be set between the same files (366)
*[MISC] allow more than 1 relation to be set between the same files (366)
[MISC] remove some fields from non-video type of files (603)
*[MISC] remove some fields from non-video type of files (603)
[MISC] "Add a visual verification code for sign up to prevent bots" (682)
*[MISC] "Add a visual verification code for sign up to prevent bots" (682)
[MISC] confirmation page for deleting all your pm (737)
*[MISC] confirmation page for deleting all your pm (737)
[MISC] IRC link in the navibar (868)
*[MISC] IRC link in the navibar (868)
[MISC] "Display avdumped files differently on MyDbEntries" (812)
*[MISC] "Display avdumped files differently on MyDbEntries" (812)
[BUG] massfile add in one transaction (fix rare autocreq issue)
*[BUG] massfile add in one transaction (fix rare autocreq issue)
[BUG] groupstats not added for new groups
*[BUG] groupstats not added for new groups
[BUG] made simple fileadd mode compatible with IE
*[BUG] made simple fileadd mode compatible with IE
[BUG] "The search button in the buddies list page uses anime search" (871)
*[BUG] "The search button in the buddies list page uses anime search" (871)
[BUG] past DB change requests with unknown type/wrong link (864/799)
*[BUG] past DB change requests with unknown type/wrong link (864/799)
[BUG] "Can not edit Anime Producers due to a bug in the search box" (843)
*[BUG] "Can not edit Anime Producers due to a bug in the search box" (843)

08.12.2007 v0.1.46
08.12.2007 v0.1.46
[FEAT] new layout of the file table on anime pages
*[FEAT] new layout of the file table on anime pages
[FEAT] optional use of showcrc=1 in the url to enable the display of the crc column for files
*[FEAT] optional use of showcrc=1 in the url to enable the display of the crc column for files
[FEAT] re adding group info box on anime page for guests
*[FEAT] re adding group info box on anime page for guests
[FEAT] help links get redirected to the wiki (some pages might need fixing and/or redirecting)
*[FEAT] help links get redirected to the wiki (some pages might need fixing and/or redirecting)
[FEAT] file notifications -> anime page and clear notifications for that anime (!N)
*[FEAT] file notifications -> anime page and clear notifications for that anime (!N)
[FEAT] add Anime Producer search box with AJAX support. [800]
*[FEAT] add Anime Producer search box with AJAX support. [800]
[FEAT] added js sorting for the Released Anime Table in the groups page [801]
*[FEAT] added js sorting for the Released Anime Table in the groups page [801]
[FEAT] show anime type icon on mylist
*[FEAT] show anime type icon on mylist
[FEAT] obscure feature of anidb, the SigServer in beta stage added
*[FEAT] obscure feature of anidb, the SigServer in beta stage added
[FEAT/FIX] more Chii additions and fixes
*[FEAT/FIX] more Chii additions and fixes
[FIX] some minor bug fixes and typos [830]
*[FIX] some minor bug fixes and typos [830]
[FIX] search box in userpage searches the userlist instead of the anime list
*[FIX] search box in userpage searches the userlist instead of the anime list
[FIX] several anime3 fixes (consistent with anime)
*[FIX] several anime3 fixes (consistent with anime)
[FIX] several fixes in the supporting javascripts (fileadd)
*[FIX] several fixes in the supporting javascripts (fileadd)
[FIX] fixed "edit my review" link at the bottom of the anime reviews page
*[FIX] fixed "edit my review" link at the bottom of the anime reviews page

11.11.2007 v0.1.45
11.11.2007 v0.1.45
[FEAT] upto ep @ generic mylist add
*[FEAT] upto ep @ generic mylist add
[FEAT] file table layout change
*[FEAT] file table layout change
[FEAT] Mass add to mylist
*[FEAT] Mass add to mylist
[FIX] Some other fixes
*[FIX] Some other fixes
[FIX] Header/Footer gone in creqing files [793]
*[FIX] Header/Footer gone in creqing files [793]
[FIX] DVD icon doesn`t show up when an episode is added as Generic File DVD [781]
*[FIX] DVD icon doesn`t show up when an episode is added as Generic File DVD [781]
[FIX] remove the generic state `filler ep` [616]
*[FIX] remove the generic state `filler ep` [616]
[FIX] states for certain types of generics [615]
*[FIX] states for certain types of generics [615]
[FIX] fixed myanimelist imports
*[FIX] fixed myanimelist imports
[FIX] fixed stats calculation
*[FIX] fixed stats calculation
[FIX] more sensible pending file creqs handlage
*[FIX] more sensible pending file creqs handlage
[FIX] fixes in my notifies and add file pages
*[FIX] fixes in my notifies and add file pages
[FIX] several Chii fixes
*[FIX] several Chii fixes
[FIX] mass file page fixes (censored flag, crc status for no group, added rel date)
*[FIX] mass file page fixes (censored flag, crc status for no group, added rel date)
[FIX] some latest changes
*[FIX] some latest changes
[FIX] Up2Date ed2k icon link is blank [778]
*[FIX] Up2Date ed2k icon link is blank [778]

31.10.2007 v0.1.44
31.10.2007 v0.1.44
[FEAT] file mass edit for mods
*[FEAT] file mass edit for mods
[FEAT] hide animes i have in wishlist (when listing anime) [670]
*[FEAT] hide animes i have in wishlist (when listing anime) [670]
[FEAT] Icon for episode comments [314]
*[FEAT] Icon for episode comments [314]
[BUG] Ed2k icon without ed2k hash [786]
*[BUG] Ed2k icon without ed2k hash [786]
[BUG] fix watched filter in mylist
*[BUG] fix watched filter in mylist
[BUG] couple udp api fixes
*[BUG] couple udp api fixes

16.10.2007 v0.1.43
16.10.2007 v0.1.43
[FEAT] added the airdate of the anime in myvotes; some cleaning at myrecs
*[FEAT] added the airdate of the anime in myvotes; some cleaning at myrecs
[BUG] up2date page has ed2k links with ill-formed hash [780]
*[BUG] up2date page has ed2k links with ill-formed hash [780]
[BUG] lots of small bugfixes (like division by zero)
*[BUG] lots of small bugfixes (like division by zero)

08.10.2007 v0.1.42
08.10.2007 v0.1.42
[FEAT] user filter @ latest
*[FEAT] user filter @ latest
[FEAT] latest files link @ anime page
*[FEAT] latest files link @ anime page
[FEAT] option to view generic episode titles for incomplete series/spoiler prevention [764]
*[FEAT] option to view generic episode titles for incomplete series/spoiler prevention [764]
[FEAT] display latest recommendations on latest db entries page
*[FEAT] display latest recommendations on latest db entries page
[MISC] on-the-fly animegroup state change
*[MISC] on-the-fly animegroup state change
[MISC] fix stats for virtual groups - don`t count files where crc does not match official one
*[MISC] fix stats for virtual groups - don`t count files where crc does not match official one
[BUG] Userdata History [759]
*[BUG] Userdata History [759]
[BUG] Compare Lists - Alphabetical Filtering does Nothing [770]
*[BUG] Compare Lists - Alphabetical Filtering does Nothing [770]
[BUG] using filters in mylist and prev/next behavior [414]
*[BUG] using filters in mylist and prev/next behavior [414]
[BUG] My List Filtering - page= param carried over when it shouldn`t be [769]
*[BUG] My List Filtering - page= param carried over when it shouldn`t be [769]
[BUG] Anime List cannot return to listing "all" [769]
*[BUG] Anime List cannot return to listing "all" [769]

07.07.2007 v0.1.37
07.07.2007 v0.1.37
MediaWiki spam blocked by CleanTalk.
MediaWiki spam blocked by CleanTalk.