AniDB O'Matic - Documentation: Local file renaming: Difference between revisions

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===M / MYLIST===
===M / MYLIST===
|?a||text||Anime name
|?ab||number||Audio bitrate
|?ac||text||Audio codec
|?aid||number||Anime ID
|?ar||number||Average review score
|?atv||number||Average temp vote
|?av||number||Average vote
|?e||text||Episode name
|?eid||number||Episode ID
|?ep||text||Episode number, zero padded to match the total number of episodes
|?ep2, ?ep3, ?ep4||text||Zero padded episode number, eg ?ep3 = 007
|?epc||number||Total number of episodes in the current category (for example: 24 for normal episodes, 7 for specials, 2 for op, etc.)
|?epp||number||Movie part number ep1 = 1, ep2 = 1, ep3 = 2, ep4 = 1 etc.
|?epps||number||Total number of movie parts ep1 = 1, ep2 = 2, ep4 = 3
|?eps||number||Total number of episodes
|?fid||number||File ID
|?fs||text||File source
|?g||text||Group name, long (?lg) if available, otherwise short (?sg)
|?gid||number||Group ID
|?isKnown||boolean||True if the file is known to AniDB
|?isMovie||boolean||True if the current file belongs to a movie anime
|?isSpecial||boolean||True if the current file belongs to a special episode (Such as Op or Ed)
|?lang||text||Shows 1-2 Audio and 1-2 Subtitle languages
|?la||text||Shows all audio languages
|?lac||number||Number of audio languages
|?la1, ?la2, ?la3, ?la4||text||Shows 1-4 audio languages
|?lg||text||Long group name
|?ls||text||Shows all subtitle languages
|?lsc||number||Number of subtitle languages
|?ls1, ?ls2, ?ls3, ?ls4||text||Shows 1-4 subtitle languages
|?m||number||Release month of anime
|?me||number||End month of anime
|?mid||number||MyList ID
|?seps||number||Total number of special episodes
|?sg||text||Short group name
|?v||number||File version
|?vb||number||Video bitrate
|?w||boolean||File watched status, true if watched
|?wa||boolean||Anime watched status, true if all normal episodes have been watched
|?wad||text||Anime detailed watched status, returns "none", "partial" or "all"
|?wltg||boolean||True if the anime is marked as "to get" in the wishlist
|?wlp||number||Returns wishlist priority, 0 = high, 1 = normal, 2 = low
|?wltw||boolean||True if the anime is marked as "to watch" in the wishlist
|?y||number||Release year of anime
|?ye||number||End year of anime
|?ym||text||Release year and month of anime
|?yme||text||End year and month of anime
Note that all tags are greedy, that means that ?ep2 will always be read as ep2, never as ?e or ?ep. If you need a tag to not be greedy you can use ?out(ep).

===Function tags===
===Function tags===