Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| <pre>
| |
| # Made By AnimeNeko Thx to PetriW For this Option #
| |
| # Enable statwhoring in aom Use version 0.5.10.x or higher #
| |
| # v0.4 #
| |
| # Replace XX:\aom\MyStats.ini to the correct Directory and filename. But choose INI in aom. #
| |
| # Works In chat Channel and in Private Message. #
| |
| # Note in the Partially Watched status if you have everything seen and none partially seen it #
| |
| # will only show Partially seen. The script hides the types where you don't have anything #
| |
| # partially seen in. #
| |
| |
| on *:load: { set %aom.file y:\aom\MyStats.ini }
| |
| |
| menu channel,query {
| |
| -
| |
| AOM Stats
| |
| .Mystats: mystats
| |
| .Watched: watched
| |
| }
| |
| |
| alias mystats {
| |
| if ($exists(%aom.file)) {
| |
| var %username $readini(%aom.file, anidb, username)
| |
| var %anidbepcount $readini(%aom.file, anidb, episodecount)
| |
| var %animecount $readini(%aom.file, mylist, animecount)
| |
| var %totaleps $readini(%aom.file, mylist, episodecount)
| |
| var %Tfilescount $readini(%aom.file, mylist, filecount)
| |
| var %mylistsize $readini(%aom.file, mylist, size)
| |
| var %animewatched $readini(%aom.file, mylist, animewatched)
| |
| var %animepartw $readini(%aom.file, mylist, animepartiallywatched)
| |
| var %epswatched $readini(%aom.file, mylist, episodeswatched)
| |
| var %fileswatched $readini(%aom.file, mylist, fileswatched)
| |
| var %watchedsize $readini(%aom.file, mylist, watchedsize)
| |
| var %tvmylist $readini(%aom.file, animetypeTVSeries, inmylist)
| |
| var %specialsmylist $readini(%aom.file, animetypeTVSpecials, inmylist)
| |
| var %moviemylist $readini(%aom.file, animetypeMovies, inmylist)
| |
| var %ovamylist $readini(%aom.file, animetypeOVAs, inmylist)
| |
| var %webmylist $readini(%aom.file, animetypeWeb, inmylist)
| |
| var %othermylist $readini(%aom.file, animetypeOther, inmylist)
| |
| var %unknownmylist $readini(%aom.file, animetypeUnknown, inmylist)
| |
| say I have %animecount Animes( $+ $iif(%tvmylist = 0,,%tvmylist Series $+ $chr(44)) $iif(%specialsmylist = 0,,%specialsmylist Specials $+ $chr(44)) $iif(%moviemylist = 0,,%moviemylist Movies) $+ $iif(%ovamylist = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %ovamylist OVA's) $+ $iif(%webmylist = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %webmylist Web) $+ $iif(%othermylist = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %othermylist Other) $+ $iif(%unknownmylist = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %unknownmylist Unknown) $+ ), %totaleps Episodes( $+ $round($calc(%totaleps / %anidbepcount * 100 ),3) $+ % $+ ) of AniDB, %Tfilescount files, Total $bytes(%mylistsize,g).suf $+ .
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| |
| alias watched {
| |
| if ($exists(%aom.file)) {
| |
| var %username $readini(%aom.file, anidb, username)
| |
| var %anidbepcount $readini(%aom.file, anidb, episodecount)
| |
| var %animecount $readini(%aom.file, mylist, animecount)
| |
| var %totaleps $readini(%aom.file, mylist, episodecount)
| |
| var %Tfilescount $readini(%aom.file, mylist, filecount)
| |
| var %mylistsize $readini(%aom.file, mylist, size)
| |
| var %animewatched $readini(%aom.file, mylist, animewatched)
| |
| var %animepartw $readini(%aom.file, mylist, animepartiallywatched)
| |
| var %epswatched $readini(%aom.file, mylist, episodeswatched)
| |
| var %fileswatched $readini(%aom.file, mylist, fileswatched)
| |
| var %watchedsize $readini(%aom.file, mylist, watchedsize)
| |
| var %watchedlength $readini(%aom.file, mylist, lengthwatched)
| |
| var %tvw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeTVSeries, allwatched)
| |
| var %spw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeTVSpecials, allwatched)
| |
| var %mw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeMovies, allwatched)
| |
| var %ovaw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeOVAs, allwatched)
| |
| var %webw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeWeb, allwatched)
| |
| var %otw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeOther, allwatched)
| |
| var %unw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeUnknown, allwatched)
| |
| var %tvpw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeTVSeries, partwatched)
| |
| var %sppw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeTVSpecials, partwatched)
| |
| var %mpw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeMovies, partwatched)
| |
| var %ovpw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeOVAs, partwatched)
| |
| var %wpw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeWeb, partwatched)
| |
| var %otpw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeOther, partwatched)
| |
| var %unpw $readini(%aom.file, animetypeUnknown, partwatched)
| |
| var %days $int($calc( (%watchedlength ) / (60*60*24)) )
| |
| var %hour $int($calc( (%watchedlength ) / (60*60) - (%days *24) ))
| |
| var %mins $int($calc( (%watchedlength ) / (60) - (%days *24*60) - (%hour *60)) )
| |
| say Seen $calc(%animewatched + %animepartw) Animes ( $+ $iif(%tvw = 0,,%tvw Series $+ $chr(44)) $iif(%spw = 0,,%spw Specials $+ $chr(44)) $iif(%mw = 0,,%mw Movies) $+ $iif(%ovaw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %ovaw OVA's) $+ $iif(%webw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %webw Web) $+ $iif(%otw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %otw Other) $+ $iif(%unw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %unw Unknown) $+ ) Partially seen $iif(%tvpw = 0,,%tvpw Series) $+ $iif(%sppw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %sppw Specials) $+ $iif(%mpw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %mpw Movies) $+ $iif(%ovpw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %ovpw OVA's) $+ $iif(%wpw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %wpw Web) $+ $iif(%otpw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %otpw Other) $+ $iif(%unpw = 0,,$+ $chr(44) %unpw Unknown) $+ . Total %epswatched Episodes( $+ $round($calc(%epswatched / %totaleps * 100 ),3) $+ % of Mylist, $round($calc(%epswatched / %anidbepcount * 100 ),3) $+ % of AniDB), %fileswatched Files, $bytes(%watchedsize,g).suf $+ , Time wasted %days Days %hour Hour and %mins Minutes
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| </pre>
| |
| |
| Copy the text and put it in notepad or so and name it StatWhoreing.mrc or a othername.mrc then do /load -rs othername.mrc to load it. After you copy the file into your mIRC directory. | | Copy the text and put it in notepad or so and name it StatWhoreing.mrc or a othername.mrc then do /load -rs othername.mrc to load it. After you copy the file into your mIRC directory. |
| |
Line 83: |
Line 4: |
| change $bytes(%mylistsize).suf into $bytes(%mylistsize,g).suf | | change $bytes(%mylistsize).suf into $bytes(%mylistsize,g).suf |
| then it will only show the size of your MyList in GB's | | then it will only show the size of your MyList in GB's |
| |
| *Update/debug
| |
| fixed a small calculating error in the stats part.
| |
| |
| edit: Adjusted the script for AOM 0.5.10+ and higher. Cleaned the code a little bit also Thx to light
| |
| |
| <pre> | | <pre> |
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Line 180: |
| </pre> | | </pre> |
| |
| | *Update/debug |
| | fixed a small calculating error in the stats part. |
| | |
| | edit: Adjusted the script for AOM 0.5.10+ and higher. Cleaned the code a little bit also Thx to light |
| |
| * v0.2 : fixed script so it will work with older mIRC versions | | * v0.2 : fixed script so it will work with older mIRC versions |