Mylist export SDK changelog
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Changelog for MyList export SDK
0.13.4 - 26.01.2009 - data files updated
0.13.3 - 10.10.2008 (linked with AniDB release 0.1.53) - data files updated - files that have episode relations now show up in the related episode listing - file->ep relations for a given episode are now handled in loop_ep and are called loop_data_ep_fileeprel
0.13.2 - 28.07.2008 - data files updated - updated jsencodexml - additions in loop_anime_genren: data_anime_genren_weight : Weight of the category data_anime_genren_weight_name : Textual notation of the category weight
0.13.1 - 18.02.2008 - data files updated (global_genren_loop is not on the dump) - added a new function: jsencodexml (check - Removed the picurl for awards as they aren't present on the AniDB and are styled with css instead.
0.13 - 09.09.2007 - data files updated (global_genren_loop is not on the dump) - fixes ANIME: loop_anime_groups: data_anime_group_state - Now correctly outputs state - new fields GLOBAL: global_genren_loop: - New global loop for the cat system global_genren_id - cat id global_genren_name - cat name global_genren_parentid - cat parent id global_genren_ishentai - is cat 18+ restricted NOTES: you should try to limit the usage of this loop to mylist.tpl ANIME: loop_anime_groups: data_anime_group_eprange - episode range for a given group (as in AniDB) data_anime_group_alangs_loop: - loops group audio languags data_anime_group_alang_id - audio language id (i.e.: 1) data_anime_group_alang_name - audio language name (chinese,english, etc) data_anime_group_alang_sname - audio language short name (ja, ne, etc) data_anime_group_slangs_loop: - loops group sub languags data_anime_group_slang_id - sub language id (i.e.: 1) data_anime_group_slang_name - sub language name (chinese,english, etc) data_anime_group_slang_sname - sub language short name (ja, ne, etc) loop_anime_company: data_anime_company_type_name - company type string (company, organization, individual, etc) data_anime_company_atype_name - company relation to given anime string (production, music, etc) FILE: data_file_tth - tth hash (now actually added the hash, had forgot before) data_file_typename - file type string (video,audio,etc) data_file_ar_name - The AR string (4:3, 16:9, etc) data_file_chantype_name - channel string (Mono, Stereo, etc) (stream #1) data_file_chantype_name2 - channel string (Mono, Stereo, etc) (stream #2) data_file_atype - audio type id (stream #1) data_file_atype2 - audio type id (stream #2) data_file_atype_name - audio type string (stream #1) data_file_atype_name2 - audio type string (stream #2) data_file_stypename - subtitle type string (stream #1) data_file_stypename2 - subtitle type string (stream #2)
0.12 - 04.07.2007 - data files updated - new fields GLOBAL: global_user_id - AniDB user ID ANIME: status_anime_isrestricted - Anime has +18 restricted audience (0/1) data_anime_name_langname - Language name (ie: Japanese) data_anime_name_langsname - Language shortname (ie: ja) data_anime_eps_special - Total number of special episodes data_anime_eps_total - Total number of episodes loop_anime_groups: [new loop] data_anime_group_id - Group ID data_anime_group_agid - Group AGID data_anime_group_name - Group name data_anime_group_sname - Group shortname data_anime_group_state - Group state (complete, dropped, etc) data_anime_group_lastep - Last episode released data_anime_group_lastup - Last update date ( hh:mm) data_anime_group_votes - Number of votes data_anime_group_rating - Rating data_anime_group_cmts - Number of comments data_anime_group_epcnt - Normal episode count data_anime_group_sepcnt - Specials count (S + O + C + T + P eps) data_anime_group_myvote - My vote or '-' if none data_anime_group_myvote_date - My vote date ( hh:mm) loop_anime_titles: [new loop] data_anime_title_name - Title data_anime_title_langid - Language ID data_anime_title_type_id - Type ID (1 = main, 2 = syn, 3 = short, 4 = official) data_anime_title_type_string - Type name (main, syn, short, official) data_anime_title_langname - Language name (ie: Japanese) data_anime_title_langsname - Language shortname (ie: ja) loop_anime_title_alias: [existing loop] data_anime_title_alias_langname - Language name (ie: Japanese) data_anime_title_alias_langsname - Language shortname (ie: ja) loop_anime_title_short: [existing loop] data_anime_title_short_langname - Language name (ie: Japanese) data_anime_title_short_langsname - Language shortname (ie: ja) loop_anime_title_official: [existing loop] data_anime_title_official_langname - Language name (ie: Japanese) data_anime_title_official_langsname - Language shortname (ie: ja) EP: data_ep_myvote - My vote for a given episode data_ep_myvote_date - My vote date for a given episode FILE: data_file_tth - TTH hash loop_data_file_filerel: [new loop] data_file_filerel_fid - one end of the relation data_file_filerel_otherfid - the other end of the relation data_file_filerel_type - type of the relation (subtitle file, etc) loop_data_file_fileeprel: [new loop] data_file_fileeprel_fid - the fid that spans eps data_file_fileeprel_eid - the episode data_file_fileeprel_startp - start percentage data_file_fileeprel_endp - end percentage data_file_lang_sname - Language shortname (ie: ja) data_file_lang_sname2 - Language shortname (ie: ja) data_file_sub_sname - Language shortname (ie: ja) data_file_sub_sname2 - Language shortname (ie: ja) - fixed fields data_anime_mystate_string - wasn't outputting correctly for mixed state - better support for wishlisted anime with no files, anime information only will be exported
0.11b - 27.06.2007 - data files updated
0.11 - 26.06.2007 - data files updated - documentation moved to wiki - new fields ANIME: data_anime_my_vote_date data_anime_my_vote_date_short data_anime_my_tmpvote_date data_anime_my_tmpvote_date_short FILE: data_file_ldate data_file_ldate_short
0.10b - 10.05.2006 - updated documentation, examples and export code
0.10 - 30.04.2006 - fixed file data (only data for 1 video and 2 audio/subtitle streams available) - new fields FILE: data_file_type data_file_vidcnt data_file_ar data_file_fps data_file_vflags data_file_audcnt data_file_chantype data_file_abitrate2 data_file_acodec_id2 data_file_acodec_name2 data_file_chantype2 data_file_lang_id2 data_file_lang_name2 data_file_subcnt data_file_sflags data_file_stype data_file_sub_id2 data_file_sub_name2 data_file_sflags2 data_file_stype2 data_file_length ANIME: data_anime_annid status_anime_ann_listed data_anime_annurl data_anime_allcinemaid status_anime_allcinema_listed data_anime_allcinemaurl loop_anime_genren data_anime_genren_id data_anime_genren_name data_anime_genren_parentid data_anime_genren_ishentai loop_anime_tag data_anime_tag_id data_anime_tag_name data_anime_tag_date loop_anime_company data_anime_company_id data_anime_company_name data_anime_company_shortname data_anime_company_othername data_anime_company_type data_anime_company_url data_anime_company_picurl data_anime_company_aptype GLOBAL: global_userstat_animeadded global_userstat_epsadded global_userstat_filesadded global_userstat_groupsadded global_userstat_lamefiles global_userstat_lamefilesp global_userstat_independencep global_userstat_leechp global_userstat_reviews global_userstat_votes global_userstat_totalviewedp global_userstat_totalownedp global_userstat_ownviewedp global_userstat_viewedepcnt
0.09b - 13.10.2005 - fixed episode number issue - added more info on ep type ids to docs - removed file shared/released info from docs
0.09 - 25.09.2004 - added new, redundant file crc info flag status_file_state_crcunverified - fixed animeplanet links data_anime_animeplaneturl - added flag to show if a file comment is present status_file_hascomment (remember, the filecomment can be found in: data_file_other) - added flag to show if a file is a generic file (btw. that means size==0) status_file_isgeneric - added new MyList filestate info data_file_myfilestate (0=normal, 1=invalid crc, 2=self edited, 10=self ripped, 11=on dvd, 12=on vhs, 13=on tv, 14=theater, 100=other) data_file_myfilestate_string, data_file_myfilestate_icon status_file_myfilestate_normal, status_file_myfilestate_invalidcrc, status_file_myfilestate_selfedited, status_file_myfilestate_selfripped, status_file_myfilestate_ondvd, status_file_myfilestate_onvhs, status_file_myfilestate_ontv, status_file_myfilestate_theater, status_file_myfilestate_other - added air and end date for anime data_anime_startdate, data_anime_startdate_short data_anime_enddate, data_anime_enddate_short - added romaji and kanji episode titles data_ep_name_romaji, status_ep_hasname_romaji data_ep_name_kanji, status_ep_hasname_kanji - added wishlist info to anime status_anime_isinwishlist data_anime_wishlist_type (0="unknown / unfiled", 1="to watch", 2="to get", 3="blacklist"), data_anime_wishlist_type_name, data_anime_wishlist_priority (0="low", 1="medium", 3="high"), data_anime_wishlist_priority_name, data_anime_wishlist_comment - added vote/tmpvote info for anime status_anime_my_isvoted, data_anime_my_vote status_anime_my_istmpvoted, data_anime_my_tmpvote - added id.txt with a list of AniDB ids - new versions of some themes included - updated data dump - minor changes
0.08 - 18.04.2004 - added new tempvote info to anime data data_anime_tmprating, data_anime_tmpvotes - added ep vote data data_ep_rating, data_ep_votes - added file version string (v1, v2,...) data_file_state_versionname - added additional redundant anime award info which can be accessed without using the loops data_anime_awardicons, status_anime_hasawards - data files updated - IMPORTANT: new info.dat rules see templatehowto.txt
0.07 - 11.04.2004 - added info on new anime titles data_anime_title_jap_kanji, status_anime_title_has_jap_kanji data_anime_title_eng, status_anime_title_has_eng data_anime_title_other, status_anime_title_has_other - status_ep_state_hanger is now always 0 - added data_file_sha1 - added award info loop_anime_award_types data_anime_award_type_id data_anime_award_type_name data_anime_award_type_img loop_anime_awards data_anime_award_id data_anime_award_name data_anime_award_url data_anime_award_picurl data_anime_award_type
0.06 - 06.09.2003 - added animeplanet info: data_anime_animeplanetid (not really useful yet, 1 for all anime, this will change someday though) data_anime_animeplaneturl status_anime_animeplanet_listed - fixed bug in data_anime_my_unwatchedeps_special - fixed bug in data_ep_mystate_*
0.05 - 26.08.2003 - now copies any additional files found in a themes directory into the out directory you can use this to automatically include stylesheet or javascript files with your templates. however subdirectories are not copied and you should also not use this to include images. simply create a zip file contraining all images in the theme directory and i will upload it to the AniDB http server and link to it. (faq updated) - jsencode now also strips newlines - new parsing function jsencodehtml which replaces: ' => ’ " => " \n => < br > - data_anime_my_eps now only lists normal eps, not specials. same goes for data_anime_watchedeps and data_anime_unwatchedeps additional data fields: data_anime_my_*_special - number of special eps data_anime_my_*_total - total number, same as old data_anime_my_* - data_anime_my_unwatchedeps, data_anime_my_unwatchedeps_special, data_anime_my_unwatchedeps_total where undocumented so far - status_anime_iscomplete and status_anime_iswatched haven been updated to match the current MyList style of only taking normal eps into account. - status_ep_mystate_* and status_anime_mystate_* added to reflect the latest MyList changes on AniDB this allows you now to include state icons on episode and anime level as AniDB does it. - plaintext dump of the small data file is now included, take a look at datadump.txt if you need info on undocumented vars or just want to know what data format to expect. if you encounter a problem or unexpected data in some vars it might also be a good idea to take a look at this file.
0.04b - 13.08.2003 - status_file_state_* was not working correctly, fixed now.
0.04 - 12.08.2003 - switch to HTML::Template::Expr to support more interaction between templates and perl code you have much more options in the templates. !!! YOU WILL NEED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL MODULES TO GET THE NEW SDK TO WORK !!! (see below) there are now additional commands available, i.e.: <TMPL_VAR EXPR="data_file_size_plain/8"> would give you the filesize in kB (note the 'EXPR') there are also a lot a predefined functions which can be used as <TMPL_VAR EXPR="function('string param')"> or <TMPL_VAR EXPR="function(variable)"> multiple parameters are ',' seperated. i.e. <TMPL_VAR EXPR="function(var1,var2,'string')"> check the url below for predefined functions additional functions are: jsencode() - one parameter, replaced ' with \', " with \" and ´ with \´ replace() - 3 parameters (find, replacewith, string), i.e. ('a','b','abc') -> bbc ireplace() - same as replace but case insensitive additional functions can be added on request. the code is included with the SDK so you could also play around with some of your own functions. for more details check: - added data_anime_animenfoid, data_anime_animenfoid2, data_anime_animenfourl, data_anime_animenfourl_name data_anime_animenfoid is the old animenfo id, data_anime_animenfoid2 is the additional new one, data_anime_animenfourl is a complete url (without <a href="">, just a plain url) to the animenfo page of this anime data_anime_animenfourl_name is the link name as displayed on AniDB (i.e. "ID: 64" or "ID: 1235,rvvvjg") - data_file_size_plain contains plain size without dots, this is needed if you want to construct your own ed2k links - data_file_acodec_id, data_file_acodec_name, data_file_vcodec_id and data_file_vcodec_name were undocumented
0.03 - 10.08.2003 - fixed typo, the module needed is called Storable - added additional big data file which can be used to check templates on big MyLists to use it rename tpl-alist.dat to i.e. tpl-alist.dat.small and rename tpl-alist.dat.big to tpl-alist.dat.
0.02 - 02.08.2003 - additional data values All: * all data values now also have a _short version which ommits the time. i.e. data_ep_update_short = 02.08.03 Anime: * status_anime_genre_<genre> is set to 0 or 1 according to added genres i.e. status_anime_genre_action = 1, if the anime has genre action added note: genres are all lower case and spaces are replaced with _ * status_anime_iscomplete and status_anime_iswatched slightly changed to match the new way of doing things @ MyList @ AniDB. (anime with epcount = 0 are no longer considered complete or completly watched) Ep: * epno does now correctly handle specials (epno 1001 => S1) * data_ep_state carries AniDB internal state number + EP_SPECIAL=1, EP_RECAP=2, EP_OP=4, EP_END=8, EP_HANGER=16 (hanger = cliffhanger) * status_ep_state_special, status_ep_state_recap, status_ep_state_op, status_ep_state_end, status_ep_state_hanger are set according to data_ep_state so you might want to use these instead of data_ep_state File: * data_file_released is now "-" if no release date was added * data_file_state carries AniDB internal state number + FILE_CRCOK=1, FILE_CRCERR=2, FILE_ISV2=4, FILE_ISV3=8, FILE_ISV4=16, FILE_ISV5=32 values are added to generate the data_file_state field * status_file_state_crcok, status_file_state_crcfailed, status_file_state_isv2, status_file_state_isv3, status_file_state_isv4, status_file_state_isv5 are set according to data_file_state so you might want to use these instead of data_file_state * data_file_mystate carries AniDB internal MyList file state number + unknown=0, on hdd=1, on cd=2, deleted=3, shared=4, release=5 * data_file_mystate_string gives the string representation * data_file_mystate_icon gives the icon known from AniDB (direct inet link to image, img tag already included) * status_file_mystate_unknown, status_file_mystate_onhdd, status_file_mystate_oncd, status_file_mystate_deleted, status_file_mystate_shared, status_file_mystate_release are set according to data_file_mystate
0.01 - 08.07.2003 - first version