
From AniDB
Revision as of 00:58, 22 February 2013 by Worf (talk | contribs)
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Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.
  background:url("") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
/* #layout-search input.text { float: left; } */

	Remove the weird background from the navigation menu background
#layout-main div.tabbed_pane div.body div.pane ul.topics li.row:hover,
#layout-main ul.topics li.row:hover,
#layout-menu li.sub-menu ul li:hover,
#layout-menu li.sub-menu ul li:active
  background-color: #444444;
  background: none;

	Remove the top-border from the navigation menu entries
#layout-menu li.sub-menu ul li + li
  border-top-color: #444444;
  background-color: #444444;

	Remove the padding between navigation menu entries and also keep the entries lowercased
#layout-menu li.sub-menu ul li a
  text-transform: none;
  padding: 0.0em 0;

	Remove a couple of navigation menu entries
	Remove the "quickadd" box on the anime page
	Remove the "added by" column from the "add char-anime relation" page
#layout-menu li.random,
#layout-menu li.myentries,
#layout-menu li.myvotes,
#layout-menu li.mysignatures,
#layout-menu li.myreviews,
#layout-menu li.mynotifies,
#layout-menu li.mywishlist,
#layout-menu li.applet,
#layout-menu li.reclinks,
#layout-menu li.credits,
#layout-menu li.user-name,
#layout-main p.mylistadd,
#layout-main div.addcharanimerel_all tr.char_added
  display: none;

	Display top links on anime/character/club/creator/collection/group/song page
#layout-main div.anime_all ul.links_top,
#layout-main div.character_all ul.links_top,
#layout-main div.club_all ul.links_top,
#layout-main div.creator_all ul.links_top,
#layout-main div.collection_all ul.links_top,
#layout-main div.group_all ul.links_top,
#layout-main div.song_all ul.links_top
  display: block;

	Increase the size of the entity description textarea for add/edit forms
  height: 400px;
  width: 650px;

	Setting the left column of the stats block to a fixed width and disallowing line wrap
#layout-main div.userpage_all div.stats div table th.field,
#layout-main div.myplace_all div.stats div table th.field
  white-space: nowrap;
  width: 10em;

	Setting the right column of the stats block to a fixed width and disallowing line wrap
#layout-main div.userpage_all div.stats div table td.value,
#layout-main div.myplace_all div.stats div table td.value
  white-space: nowrap;
  text-align: right;
  width: 15em;

#layout-main div.block
   display: block;

#layout-main div.block
   width: auto;

#layout-main div.block div.image
   width: auto;
   float: left;
   margin-left: 2em;

#layout-main div.desc
   clear: left;

	Decrease the padding of the table headers
#layout-main tr.header th,
#layout-main tr.header th.sortable a
  padding:2px 0px;
}, span.user,, td.size
  letter-spacing: 0px

span.time, span.user, td.rating span, a.filter
  font-size: 100%; vertical-align: top;

	Hide the undumped files column on the group page (unhide below)
#layout-main td.number.undumped
  visibility: hidden;

	Unhide the undumped files column on the group page if there are undumped files
	Mark table cells of undumped files red
#layout-main td.number.undumped.notalldumped,
table.filelist tr.undumped,
table.filelist tr.undumped td.action
  visibility: visible;
  background-color: #900000;
  color: #000000;

	Custom background color for completed anime
	Custom background color for anime in mylist
	Custom background color for users with files on hdd or cd
#layout-main tr.complete,
#layout-main div.g_section.mylist,
#layout-main td.user.onhdd, td.user.oncd,
#layout-main td.mylist,
  background-color: #006000;

	Custom background color for dropped/unknown anime
	Custom background color for users who deleted their file
#layout-main tr.dropped,
#layout-main tr.unknown,
#layout-main td.user.deleted
  background-color: #900000;

	Custom background color for finished anime
#layout-main tr.finished
  background-color: #000090;

	Custom background color for stalled anime
#layout-main tr.stalled,
  background-color: #A05000;

	Move "user menu" on myplace to the right side
	Move "buddies" on myplace to the right side
	Move "favorite reviewers" on myplace to the right side
#layout-main div.userpage_all div.g_menu div.general,
#layout-main div.userpage_all div.g_menu div.buddies,
#layout-main div.userpage_all div.g_menu div.favreviewers
  position: absolute !important;
  float: right;
  left: auto;
  right: 10px;
  width: 15em;

#layout-main div.userpage_all div.g_menu div.buddies
  margin-top: -64em;

#layout-main div.userpage_all div.g_menu div.favreviewers
  margin-top: -45em;

#layout-main div.userpage_all > div.g_section
  margin-right: 16em;

	Display club images on myplace
*/ img
  display: inline-block;

	Making the animelist take the whole screen width again
#layout-main div.animelist_all table.animelist tr,
#layout-main div.mangalist_all table.mangalist tr

#layout-main div.ep_all div.summary:before
  display: block;
  font-weight: bold;

#layout-main div.main_all div.datablocks > div
  max-width: 382px; /*hack to get ie and opera in line as they lack multi column support atm*/