User:Ninjamask/User CSS

/*Style for Temp and Full Votes*/
.vote { font-weight: bold; }
.temp { font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; }

/*Color for Votes*/
.high { color: darkgreen !important; }
.mid { color: darkblue !important; }
.low { color: darkred !important; }

/*Color for Verificationstatus*/ { color: darkred; }
.verified.yes { color: darkgreen; }

/*Colors Textfields on Hover*/
*[type="text"]:hover { background-color:#aaaaff; }

/*Colors Tablerows on Hover  (doesn`t look so good)*/
#layout-main tr:hover, #layout-main tr.g_odd:hover { background-color:powderblue !important; }

/*Hides some Listitems on the menu*/
#layout-menu li.myreviews, #layout-menu li.myreports, #layout-menu li.ed2kdump, #layout-menu, #layout-menu li.credits, #layout-menu li.irc { display: none; }

/* #layout-nav:before { background-image: url(; } */

.same_name { background-color:tomato !important; }

#layout-main div.userpage_all div.userprefs div.block { max-width:180px; }

/*Background for Fully Watched entries - even entries (light)*/
#layout-main div.animelist_all table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.producer_all table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.latest2_all table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.latest2_all table tr td.all_watched,
#layout-main div.character_all div.tabbed_pane_main table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.creator_all div.tabbed_pane_main table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.anime_all div.tabbed_pane_main table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.mylist_all table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.group_released table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.schedule_all table tr.all_watched,
#layout-main div.lexicon_all table tr.all_watched
{ background-color: #FFFFDD; }

/*Background for Fully Watched entries - odd entries (dark)*/
#layout-main div.animelist_all table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.producer_all table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.latest2_all table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.latest2_all table tr.g_odd td.all_watched,
#layout-main div.character_all div.tabbed_pane_main table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.creator_all div.tabbed_pane_main table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.anime_all div.tabbed_pane_main table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.mylist_all table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.group_released table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.schedule_all table tr.g_odd.all_watched,
#layout-main div.lexicon_all table tr.g_odd.all_watched
{ background-color: #FFFFBB; }
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