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States are usually generated automatically by the system, unless you decide to edit it manually.
{{color|red|NEEDS IMAGE OF PAGE}}
On the edit state page you have the following.
*Anime - the anime title
*State - select the state that you want to change the anime to.
{{Eyecatch|Note|Only useful for setting anime as dropped or regular, otherwise the state will just be automatically updated later by the system.}}
*Watched count - the numerical count of how many times you finished this series. If 0 then it will be set automatically to 1 after finishing a series.
*Start date - the date when you watched the first episode
*End date - the date when you finished the anime
{{EyecatchLight|Note|Format for Start date and End date is or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy/mm/dd. If the specific date is not known you may use ?? for both month and day.}}
{{EyecatchLight|Note|If left blank, Start date and End date will use the autogenerated values}}