If you should need further assistance setting avdump up visit us on irc://irc.chatsociety.net/anidb
1. Download Avdump
2. Decompress avdump in some folder whereever you want
3. Set an Api Password in your profile
- The password can differ from your anibd pass. You can basically set whatever you want here
4. Right-click avdump.exe, select "Create Shortcut"
5. Right-click the shortcut, add " -ac:<your username>:<your apipassword>" to the "Shortcut - Target" line
- (without the <> of course)
- Example: "C:\program files\Codecs\avdump\avdump.exe" -ac:deridiot:ilovecookies
6. Move shortcut to C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\SendTo
- ([Username] is your WinXP LogIn-Name)
7. Right-click any media-file/folder, goto "Send To", choose avdump (or whatever you called the shortcut)
for further info read: here
Note: | If you use a firewall you will have to open a port for avdump first. You can force avdump to use a fixed port with the option -port |
it runs via wine <add more stuff>