Separating a review into Animation, Sound, Story, Character is a bad idea. There are 5 reasons to switch to a good / bad points structure and/or an elements structure. Btw current structure is not logical but it is neat. Using this structure as a checklist and a small part of the review is good. The way these categories dominate most reviews is very bad. Please change the guideline.
1. Strictly rating based on a composite of those scores ignores that people still read books which have no animation or sound and watch anime like airmaster and naruto for the fights scenes alone.
2. I don't consider the animation and sound in most anime and only care when they are exceptional or are a pain. The structure seems to recommend reviewers to write a lot in these.
3. Are you sure that Character and Story can be talked about separately?
The Elements structure: Separate the review by categories such as Fight Scenes, Comedy, Space Battle Scenes, OP/ED, Relationship based gags, Slapstick etc.
1. Easier to find what I am looking for in the review. 2. Easier to see if anime has those elements.
The current structure uses categories instead of trying to get the reviewer to write concrete points. Compare the good/bad points structure or the common reasoning and writing tool, the outline: The question "is this anime good or bad and what do i rate it" or "are the fight scenes good" are answered by answering simpler questions such as "did the story contradict itself often?" or "did the fight seem serious and real enough" and so on. Actually, the average reviewer watches the anime first and then tries to explain or justify their reaction. Also every question is separated into so many smaller questions that mostly are ignored. So instead of "did the fight seem real enough" the reviewer writes and leaves in this structure: "the fights seemed serious."
Fights +10 (of these 3 are from point 1)
1. The fight seemed serious +3 a. Every impact was beautifully rendered b. The characters got stunned by heavy enough hits etc.
I know leaving a review in bullet point form looks ugly but it actually helps me decide on an anime. As is learned in school collapse into paragraphs. For anidb reviews bold the higher level points.
1. As your English teachers told you very often, the outline helps organize thoughts, keep track of concrete info, and other stuff... 2. The reader will notice and instantly see the points you are trying to make. 3. Comparing, combining and discussing reviews is a lot easier this way.
Bellow is wrong because i don't care, the info is right there on the page, and its work way more than watching the anime. Research
In the process of writing a review, just watching the anime alone only provides a certain amount of information. Production studios, voice actors, broadcast dates, opening and ending theme singers, character singles, Easter eggs, and DVD specials are useful bits of information that can be included in the review. It can also help to read the manga, and do a comparison of the TV show versus the book. All of this extra information can supply a much more critical, in-depth review that is significantly more useful.