Template:Eyecatch3/doc: Difference between revisions

Example testing
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==Real-world Examples==
''Real-world test of the code, issue '''empty line''' before <tt>eycatch</tt>:''
===Test 1 - Empty line before and after eyecatch===
'''<span style="color:red">Spacing below box is OK, space above box shows one "empty line" too much. VERY UGLY!</span>'''<br>
Indicates whether the file entry in AniDB represents a perfect copy of the original file or not. You may request a change of the CRC Status if its not checked yet.
{{eyecatch|Note|'''<nowiki>{{eyecatch|Note|blah}}</nowiki>''' - Not all groups provide CRC checksums for their files. This means that this status has no meaning and will have the value "not checked against official CRC".}}
Read more about [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_verification file verification] if you are unfamiliar with this subject.
===Test 2 - Empty line before and after eyecatch, indent 1===
'''<span style="color:red">Spacing below box is OK, space above box shows one "empty line" too much. VERY UGLY!</span>'''<br>
Indicates whether the file entry in AniDB represents a perfect copy of the original file or not. You may request a change of the CRC Status if its not checked yet.
{{eyecatch|1|Note|'''<nowiki>{{eyecatch|1|Note|blah}}</nowiki>''' - Not all groups provide CRC checksums for their files. This means that this status has no meaning and will have the value "not checked against official CRC".}}
Read more about [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_verification file verification] if you are unfamiliar with this subject.
===Test 3 - NO Empty line before and after eyecatch===
'''<span style="color:red">Spacing above and below the box looks OK.</span>'''<br>
Indicates whether the file entry in AniDB represents a perfect copy of the original file or not. You may request a change of the CRC Status if its not checked yet.
{{eyecatch|Note|'''<nowiki>{{eyecatch|Note|blah}}</nowiki>''' - Not all groups provide CRC checksums for their files. This means that this status has no meaning and will have the value "not checked against official CRC".}}
Read more about [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_verification file verification] if you are unfamiliar with this subject.
===Test 4 - NO Empty line before and after eyecatch, indent 1===
'''<span style="color:red">Spacing above and below the box looks OK.</span>'''<br>
Indicates whether the file entry in AniDB represents a perfect copy of the original file or not. You may request a change of the CRC Status if its not checked yet.
{{eyecatch|1|Note|'''<nowiki>{{eyecatch|1|Note|blah}}</nowiki>''' - Not all groups provide CRC checksums for their files. This means that this status has no meaning and will have the value "not checked against official CRC".}}
Read more about [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_verification file verification] if you are unfamiliar with this subject.
===Test 5 - Two eyecatch blocks, no empty lines===
'''<span style="color:red">Spacing above and below the boxes looks OK. IMO it would be better to have a slight space between the two eyecatch boxes for the normal un-indented eyecatch usage.</span>'''<br>
AniDB stores the name and short name of the group/person that produced and released a file. The short name is usually found as ''tags'' in file names, for example "[AonE]".
{{eyecatch|Note|'''<nowiki>{{eyecatch|Note|blah}}</nowiki>''' - If a file is a joint release, like a file by e.g. ANBU-AonE, that joint group has its own group entry. The file should not be registered under either ANBU or AonE, but to the group that combines them both.}}
{{eyecatch|Note|'''<nowiki>{{eyecatch|Note|blah}}</nowiki>''' - Not all RAW groups are credited. See [[which RAW groups to credit]].}}
Please note that not all groups registered in AniDB are listed with the tag they actually use, as AniDB can only have one distinctive tag for each group.
===Test 6 - Two eyecatch blocks, indent 1, no empty lines===
'''<span style="color:red">The slight space above, below and between the two eyecatch boxes looks fine, when NOT using extra empty lines in-text. But only for the indented eyecatch!</span>'''<br>
AniDB stores the name and short name of the group/person that produced and released a file. The short name is usually found as ''tags'' in file names, for example "[AonE]".
{{eyecatch|1|Note|'''<nowiki>{{eyecatch|1|Note|blah}}</nowiki>''' - If a file is a joint release, like a file by e.g. ANBU-AonE, that joint group has its own group entry. The file should not be registered under either ANBU or AonE, but to the group that combines them both.}}
{{eyecatch|1|Note|'''<nowiki>{{eyecatch|1|Note|blah}}</nowiki>''' - Not all RAW groups are credited. See [[which RAW groups to credit]].}}
Please note that not all groups registered in AniDB are listed with the tag they actually use, as AniDB can only have one distinctive tag for each group.
* <nowiki>{{eyecatch|0|Note|blah}}</nowiki> works exactly the same as <nowiki>{{eyecatch|Note|blah}}</nowiki>
* Empty or wrong entries (e.g. xyz) in # field, yields default eyecatch without an indent.<br>e.g. <nowiki>{{eyecatch||Note|blah}}</nowiki> or <nowiki>{{eyecatch|xyz|Note|blah}}</nowiki><br>-> seems to be fool proof.
Basically the code works better than the original old version, i.e. the spacing above and below the the eyecatch boxes *now* looks really nice.
'''So, *never* add an empty line above the eyecatch box!'''
A empty line below the eyecatch box is ignored!



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