Concept of releases

Instead of grouping files by group only (anime-group) we could introduce "Releases" in which files could be grouped completely

aribitary. That is both files from different groups and files without group.


  • Fix ag-state, or rather an addition to ag state (240, 145)
  • Grouping and states for no-group files
  • Multiple relases per group; DTV/DVD, low/high quality, avi/mkv, xvid/h264, etc. instead of version abuse

Why not?

  • More data to store.
  • More administration.

Possible tables

  id int4,
  date int4,
  update int4,
  uid int4,
  edituid int 4,
  aid int 4,
 -- cached gids
  gids int4[],
  status int2,
 -- cached ep map, only for anime with known number of eps, only normal eps (and O)
  completion bitstring,
 -- comment?
  other varchar
  id int4,
  date int4,
  rid int4,
  aid int4,
  eid int4,
 -- only one file per eid, deprecated files would not be part of any release
  fid int4,
  gid int4,
 -- maybe, requests could possibly be related to releastb instead
  update int4,
  uid int4,
  edituid int4 


  • On file add: select one of the existing releases or create a new release (only if epno is 1)
  • Request file to be added/removed from a release (from anime/group/file page)
  • Replace/merge/add to group box @ anime page, new release page (per anime)


Can it replace animegrouptb?

Don't think so. A release can not be 'dropped' because it would break the purpose of it self (at least partly). And since a system

like this can't be fully automated, the ag table is (most likely) needed as the basic way of file grouping.

Can it be semi-automated?

It should at least be possible to build the initial content based on some general rules. This might not be wanted though; it could

only be an addition to animegroups. Meaning releases would only be used where it is needed (sort of like file/ep rels are used

today). It should at least not be needed for movies/ovas (only one "ep").

As you've already pointed out such a release system would not fully replace the automatically generated animegrouptb data. Which would meant that there would probably be no reason to duplicate the data. For all those releases where the animegrouptb approach works fine, we wouldn't need to add any release info. Release info would only be manually added for the hard cases. And even there we might want to look for an approach which can handle the group<->subgroup releases mostly automatically.
Exp 18:50, 8 July 2007 (UTC)
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