User:Der Idiot/bugs


  • windows xp sp2
  • firefox 2.0.1 with a ton of extentions that might or might not trigger some behaviour
  • resolution: 1152x864

list of weird things


  • goes beyond 100% and creates a scrollbar


  • enforce a maxsize for some of the collumns. it looks like shit when some of the smaller collumns get over 15% of the size example
  • width of the mylist icon bit in the episodetable is set too small. it is enough for 3 icons, but the 4th drops below in a new line. you can trigger that with the combo "seen, <filestate>, file in mylist, <genericfilestate>"

it might be bets to kill the "file in mylist" icon if there is a genericfilestate or a filestate set. it's only useful when unknown is set for filestate


  • "get hint" button could need some padding at the bottom once you select an option. before it's perfectly fine centered in either direction. after it sits right on the bottomline


  • the info bit has not the same heigth. so the tableheader (the left side) are misalligned to the content (the right side).


  • formating for complete in mylist and all eps seen (i think it was bolded for those cases, but i'm not entirely sure anymore/ask nwa)
  • layout is borked the boxes from the right are in the center and the center bit is below

mylist compare

  • misalligned icons
  • some weird borders which seem to be placed randomly aroudn some entries
  • "by state" icon bit is not in line


  • add box shouldn't use full width. that looks silly even if it's comfortable.

some mod only pages

db stats

  • has some problems with the "back" button bar. it collides to be precise
  • needs some padding on the borders some numbers clash into the border currently

user stats

  • has the same problem as "db stats"
  • needs some padding on the borders some numbers clash into the border currently
  • some internal padding wouldn't be bad either. looks a bit too stuffed imho

Server Reboot

  • page could need some maxsize setting. currently gives me a 300% width and hence a scrollbar (did i mention that i hate horizontal scrollbars?)
  • the "NOTE: no security questions are asked!" bit might need some red box. that's some clear "WATCH IT TARD" warning.


  • the add entry box needs some padding to the box below

admin area and "categories (not genres)

  • options might look best centered blockwise. hence not every option for itself centered, but all centered as one block. i think it used to be like that

filemove page

  • move button would look bettercentered to the whole table and not just to the the cell imho
  • on the confirmationpage the footer is borked
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