AniDB:Creq Guideline

The information on this page is incomplete and may not be of much use.
If you can, please help by adding to it.


  • By default and without asking provide a source for your change in case of:
  • Air/enddates
  • Total episodenumbers
  • Official CRC
  • Be prepared that a mod could pm you about the changes you proposed! meaning if you get pmed and don't reply in 3-7 days, depending on the mood of the mod, it's a deny as it blocks possible creqs
  • DON'T creq v2/3/... files over v1 or other lower files! Add a new file instead!

Allowed Source for official CRC

  • Official sfv (good source)
  • CRC listing on official page/IRC topic (good source)
  • CRC tag in filename (not a good source, but wokrs... kinda)
  • Envirosphere & Baka-Updates (3rd hand info, but kinda works. depends on the situation and the mod)

Picture sizes

  • Recommended size: 300x400
  • Max size for banner: 200x500 (for group-pics only)
  • Max size: 100kb

Air-& end-dates, total episodes

  • Don't creq start and enddates without a valid source!
  • English pages will only get accepted as a valid source in special cases
  • ANN and AnimeNFO are NOT official or valid sources of information. Neither is anidb. We all only use 3rd hand info! No need to make it 4th hand.
  • A Japanese page is wanted as source for sensible data like episodenumber and air/enddates: examples

24h+ fun

(or "Why Japanese are extremely funny people who use 24:00+ times")

Japan uses a different timesystem than most other countries as they use 24:00, 25:00, 26:00. instead of 00:00, 01:00 and 02:00. Lets make an example to show what this means.

Hachimitsu to Clover
Tv Schedule

  • 2005-07-07(木) 26:00

In regular (not Japanese time) this means:

  • 08.07.2005 2:00

It's very clear that 08.07.2005 is the right date in this case. Especially official pages often list the "wrong" dates and don't include times, making it harder to spot such cases. It's recommended to check a Tv schedule with times like if possible.

Conclusion: DON'T creq dates 1 day back if you don't know the airtime.
ALWAYS present your source for date changes!



Romanisation the AniDB way

official english titles

If it's licensed go check the page of the licensor or the actual episodes from the R1 material.

official titles > fansubbed ones
This excludes namechanges done from the R1 in cases where they just become silly.

Links in URL fields

AniDB does not allow links to pages which offer direct downloads of copyrighted, protected, or otherwise illegal content. This includes, but is not limited to, pages which offer BitTorrent downloads. So please make sure that you don't add URLs (i.e. for anime or groups) which link to such pages. If the home page of a group links to BitTorrent pages, but doesn't offer any BitTorrent downloads itself, a link to the group's main page is acceptable.

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