User:Der Idiot/mangadb
- file deletes
- element deletes
- On the manga page in the cast tab
- Character age is not displayed immediately after setting the age of a character. (Missing cache invalidation on character edit?)
- The character rating for the char-manga relation isn't displayed
- On the element page (either volume or chapter) the rating counter stays at 0 even though i rated it: "Rating N/A (0) (weighted) , your vote: 10.00 revoke"
- The orange "vote" icon stays orange and doesn't turn green after rating a chapter (on both the manga and the volume page); it works fine for volumes
- Sorted by date but not by mfid
- "Info" column with language missing
- The row of "volume 3" has an additional column with "0" as content which represents the "number of files"
- Considering files can only be added under chapters and specials this column is either obsolete and should be removed _OR_ it should be added to all volumes and accumulate the number of files under all chapters/specials under that volume
- The row of "volume 3" has an additional column with "0" as content which represents the "number of files"
missign features
- calendar
- latest2
- message system add manga specific bits
- my db entries
- staff/cast on elements
- next/prev volume/chapter links for elements
- anime-manga rels
- episode-chapter rels?!
"Censored"/"Uncensored" flags for manga files if manga is "18+ restricted"- will not happen
mylist feats
- userstattb
- listtb
- listcachetb
- userwishtb
- usernotifytb
- userlist (element/file filter)
- file mass add inverse ids?