CATEGORY: Retrieve Category Data

UPDATED: Get List of Updated Anime IDs

Returns a list of AniDB anime ids of anime that have been updated in in a given time frame, ordered by descending date.

Command String:

  • UPDATED entity=1&[age={int4 id}|time={int4 date}]

Possible Replies:

  • 243 UPDATED

{int entity}|{int total count}|{int last update date}|{list aid}

  • 343 NO UPDATES


  • entity is always 1
  • Either age OR time can be specified, but not both
  • age is specified in days.
    • eg: age=30 requests a list of aid values of anime that have changed in the past 30 days
  • time is specified in unix time.
    • eg: time=1264982400 requests a list of aid values of anime that have changed since 2010-02-01
  • A maximum of 200 values will be returned
  • count specifies the total number of items found for the given time period. In short, if this value is great than 200, you have not retrieved all applicable ids.
  • last update date will contain the AniDB update time of the last aid to appear on the list

An anime will be considered updated if:

  • A change is made to the anime record itself
  • An main or official anime title is added, edited, or deleted (not short or synonym)
  • An episode for the anime is added, or delete (but NOT edited!) ( --> But perhaps airdate changes should <-- )
  • An episode title is added, edited, or delete
  • An anime category is added, or deleted (but NOT edited: eg, weight change)
  • An anime relation is added, or deleted

REVIEW: Get Anime Review

Retrieves the review scores and text for an anime review. Like ANIMEDESC, it will likely take multiple calls to this comment to retrieve a complete review - almost all reviews will overflow the size limits of a UDP packet.

Command String:

  • REVIEW rid={int4 id}

Possible Replies:

  • 234 REVIEW
{int4 current part}|{int4 max parts}|{int4 review id}|{int4 author uid}|{int4 score_animation}|{int4 score_sound}|{int4 score_story}|{int4 score_character}|{int4 score_value}|{int4 score_enjoyment}|{str review_text}
  • 234 REVIEW
{int4 current part}|{int4 max parts}|{str review_text}


  • IDs and scores are returned with part zero only. Parts one through max exclude the scores and return the text block only.

[Maybe exchange author uid for author name. Or a uid->name lookup via USER?]

WISHLIST: Retrieve Wishlist Data

WISHLISTADD: Add Anime to Wishlist

WISHLISTDEL: Remove Anime from Wishlist

NOTIFICATION: Retrieve Notification Date

NOTIFICATIONADD: Add Anime or Group to Notify List

NOTIFICATIONDEL: Remove Anime or Group from Notify List

Empty Table

Byte 1
Bit Decimal Data Field
0 1 String
1 2 String
2 4 String
3 8 String
4 16 String
5 32 String
6 64 String
7 128 String
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