ANIME Relationship Types

1 => 'sequel', 2 => 'prequel',

11 => 'same setting', 12 => 'same setting',

21 => 'alternative setting', 22 => 'alternative setting',

31 => 'alternative version', 32 => 'alternative version',

41 => 'character', 42 => 'character',

51 => 'side story', 52 => 'parent story',

61 => 'summary', 62 => 'full story',

100 => 'other'

CATEGORY: Retrieve Category Data


WISHLIST: Retrieve Wishlist Data

WISHLISTADD: Add Anime to Wishlist

WISHLISTDEL: Remove Anime from Wishlist

NOTIFICATION: Retrieve Notification Date

NOTIFICATIONADD: Add Anime or Group to Notify List

NOTIFICATIONDEL: Remove Anime or Group from Nofity List

Empty Table

Byte 1
Bit Decimal Data Field
0 1 String
1 2 String
2 4 String
3 8 String
4 16 String
5 32 String
6 64 String
7 128 String

GROUPSTATUS: Get Completed Episode

Returns a list of group names and ranges of episodes released by the group for a given anime.

Command String:

  • GROUPSTATUS aid={int animeid}&state={int completion_state}

Possible Replies:

  • 225 Group Status
{int group id}|{str group name}|{int completion state}|{int last episode number}|{int rating}|{int votes}|{str episode range}\n
{int group id}|{str group name}|{int completion state}|{int last episode number}|{int rating}|{int votes}|{str episode range}\n
... (repeated)
  • 325 No Groups Found
  • 330 Anime Not Found


  • The seven fields will be repeated as necessary, one for each group, separated by a new line character
  • Groups will be filtered by the languages selected in the user's profile
  • If state is not supplied, groups with a completion state of 'ongoing', 'finished', or 'complete' are returned
  • Groups are returned in order of descending episode count
  • If there are more groups to return than can be stored in a UDP packet, additional groups will be silently discarded
  • state values: 1=ongoing, 2=stalled, 3=complete, 4=dropped, 5=finished, 6=specials_only

CHARACTER: Get Character Information

Returns character details associated with a given character ID, including associated anime ids, episode ids, and seiyuu.

Command String:

  • CHARACTER charid={int characterid}

Possible Replies:

{int charid}|{str character name kanji}|{str character name transcription}|{str pic}|{anime blocks}|{int episode list}|{int last update date}\n
The 'anime block' is {int anime id},{int creatorid},{boolean is_main_seiyuu} repeated as many times as necessary, separated by a single quote (').


  • If no seiyuu is associated with the character for a given aid, the 'creatorid' and 'is_main_seiyuu' files will be blank, but the comma will remain.


CHARACTER charid=488&s=DChan

235 CHARACTER 488|ニコ・ロビン|Nico Robin|14789.jpg|4097,1900,1'69,1901,0'6199,1900,1'5691,1900,1'2644,1900,1'4851,1900,1||1236938094

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