Browser-Internal AniDB Search

Revision as of 20:21, 15 May 2009 by Foo2 (talk | contribs)
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Internet Explorer

Works with: Internet Explorer 5.5 and up, for Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003

The automatic way:

Download the .reg file containing the code directly here
When you open the file, the needed code will be added to your windows registry.
You can now search AniDB via the address bar (where you usually put URLs like ) with the "anidb" prefix.


anidb eva

The manual way

The .reg file imports the code below into your Windows Registry - the code you get in rowaars13's file is the same. Use the manual way if his reg file is not available any more.
Open Notepad and enter the following text:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl\anidb]
" "="+"

Save the file as "import.reg" (or whatever you like, as long as you name it .reg) - to do so you have to choose "All Files" in the "File Type" drop down box (the line under the one where you put the name of the file).

Make sure you save it somewhere you can find it later - for example on your desktop or under "My Files".

Locate the file and double click on it. Select "Yes" in the next window.


Works with: Mozilla 1.6 and up

Get Mozilla
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Mozilla Support Forum


Works with: Firefox 0.7 and up

Get Firefox
Firefox Help
Firefox Support Forum

Automatic way for both Mozilla & Firefox

Simply go to "Firefox AniDB Searchplugin" and click on where it says Anime DB. This will add the AniDB search function into the search bar.

To search: Use the drop-down arrow in the search field (again, upper right hand corner), choose the AniDB search and you are ready to go.


Works with: Version 7.x and up

Get Opera
Opera help - Opera 7 Wiki
To add the AniDB Search function to Opera, the "search.ini" has to be modified.

The easy way

Right-click the search field on an AniDB-page, select "Create search", give it a name, and select a keyword. The keyword is what you type in the address bar.

The automatic way

You can use Opera Search.ini Editor to do this - AniDB and Animeinfo are already defined.
Once done you can search AniDB via the search field on the top right of every tab. Use the drop-down arrow to select the AniDB Search, the default search is Google. You can also choose AniDB to be the default search depending on what you changed in the search.ini or OperaSearch.ini Editor.

The manual way

Add the following code to your "search.ini".
The file located in the Opera profile directory OR in your Opera program directory, depending on what you chose during installation (multiple users / single user) - the profile directory is within the application data directory on you Windows installation drive, it's called "Documents and Settings" or "Dokumente und Einstellungen" in German or whatever depending on your OS language.
You should know where you installed Opera yourself so don't ask me where the Opera directory is.
If you cannot find your search.ini it simply use the windows search function for "search.ini" which will be located within an Opera directory. That should be it.

Add the following code:

[Search Engine 2]
Is post=0
Has endseparator=0
Search Type=1
Note You might have to change the key and the number according to your other entries in that file.
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