Report mistake
In order to ensure a certain level of authencity of the AniDB database we can not allow
everybody to add changes as he wants. Just imagine what the db would look like after
only a short time.
Therefore only selected persons are allowed to execute certain animedb functions.
i.e. as a normal user you can only edit animes/eps/files you yourself added and you can
only remove them as long as nobody else uses them.
But what if you notice some obvious mistake in some db entry? Or you just want to add
more detailed infos for an anime/ep/file you did not add to AniDB?
Changes to Anime, Ep, File or Group data can be requested using the "Request Edit" link which is displayed on the anime/ep/file/group page (only if you're logged in).
All other change requests should be posted in the [AniDB DB Change Requests Forum].