User:Der Idiot/mangadb
- file deletes
- element deletes
- On the manga page in the cast tab
- The appearances are in caps (CH1-CH8, CH10) while everywhere else they are in lowercase
- Character age is not displayed immediately after setting the age of a character. (Missing cache invalidation on character edit?)
- The character rating for the char-manga relation isn't displayed
- Adding and editing staff doesn't work at all?! Trying to edit an existing staff entry and setting an element restriction always fails with "6 - this relation exists already"
- Adding cast directly to a chapter through the "Add cast" button
- The pre-filled element restriction is written with a space "ch 20", while everywhere else its "ch20"; parsing "ch 20" still works though
- When searching for "Tenma Kenzou" and then trying to add him (even though he's already a cast member of the manga) a DB ERROR is thrown
missign features
- calendar
- latest2 / modlatest
- message system add manga specific bits
- my db entries
- staff/cast on elements
- next/prev volume/chapter links for elements
- anime-manga rels
- episode-chapter rels?!
"Censored"/"Uncensored" flags for manga files if manga is "18+ restricted"- will not happen
mylist feats
- userstattb
- listtb
- listcachetb
- userwishtb
- usernotifytb
- userlist (element/file filter)
- file mass add inverse ids?