Description is a blog for anime credits in kanji (staff only, no cast information) created by an author naming themselves rateru.

This blog contains credits for 230 anime; amongst these are 209 OVA (which are rarely covered by the more popular anime credit sites), thus the site contains a lot of credit information that can't be found elsewhere; this includes additional OVA episodes of TV series. Many anime covered by this site are quite old, i. e. from the 1980's. Information may occasionally cover only a subset of all episodes (as if the author gave up on purchasing subsequent DVDs of an OVA series).

All of these data have been blogged during summer/autumn of 2008; no new contributions since then so the archive may be considered static.

  • Data format: credits per episode
  • Line format: can be parsed with the "manual - fullwidth space separated" filter of aniDB

Note that tasks may be grouped for a person, such as

キャラクターデザイン・総作画監督: 平田雄三 

with the tasks separated by a "・" character, these have to be split manually before contributing.

Mapping between source pages and aniDB entries

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