AniDB O'Matic - mIRC script for statistics
# Made By AnimeNeko Thx to PetriW For this Option # # Enable statwhoring in aom # # Replace e:\aom\MyStats.ini to the correct Directory and filename. But choose INI in aom. # # Replace mwizard als with your own name or remove it up to you # # You can use it in the ChatChannel and PM # menu channel,query { - AniDb Mystats: mystats } alias mystats { var %aom.file e:\aom\MyStats.ini var %nick MWizard if ($exists(%aom.file)) { var %anidbepcount $readini(%aom.file, anidb, episodecount) var %animecount $readini(%aom.file, mylist, animecount) var %totaleps $readini(%aom.file, mylist, episodecount) var %Tfilescount $readini(%aom.file, mylist, filecount) var %fileswatched $readini(%aom.file, mylist, fileswatched) var %mylistsize $readini(%aom.file, mylist, size) var %epswatched $readini(%aom.file, mylist, episodeswatched) var %watchedsize $readini(%aom.file, mylist, watchedsize) say %nick has %animecount Animes, %totaleps Episodes, %Tfilescount files, $bytes(%mylistsize,g).suf ( $+ $round($calc(%totaleps / %anidbepcount * 100 ),3) $+ % $+ ) Anime ( $+ %epswatched Eps / $round($calc(%epswatched / %totaleps * 100 ),3) $+ % $+ , $bytes(%watchedsize).suf $+ , %fileswatched files, $round($calc(%epswatched / %anidbepcount * 100 ),3) $+ % Watched) } }
Copy the text and put it in notepad or so and name it StatWhoreing.mrc or a othername.mrc then do /load -rs othername.mirc to load it. After you copy the file into your mirc dir.
If you want your mylist size in GB. and not that it automatic converts to mb,gb,tb change $bytes(%mylistsize).suf into $bytes(%mylistsize,g).suf then it will only show the size of your mylist in GB's