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This category is currently in the database: Pelican

Now called Mahou Shoujo

New name for Samurai

Note Yes, I do know that those two should be mutually exclusive in real entries


What the heading says



Why do we (not) need Pelican as a category?

  • Object: I'm sure I wouldn't make a good category; what would you file under me? ...actually, I'm not at all sure I want to know. --Pelican 04:22, 23 Sep 2005 (CEST)
  • Support: Um, er... there must be some argument in favour of this... --Pelican 04:24, 23 Sep 2005 (CEST)



Proposal: Rename to nacilaP



reason (both for the proposal and its rejection)

Dead Proposal: Rename to Exp

One's quite enough.

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