New Anime Page Patterns and Usage

The new anime page can use patterns to format your ed2k link praticaly any way you like, just use the 33 currently available formats to that end.

Patterns available

Anime Title (uses default language definitions)
Anime Title japkanji (defaults to %ann)
Anime Title romaji (default fallback language)
Anime title english (defaults to %ann)
Episode Title (uses default language definitions)
Episode title japkanji (defaults to %epn)
Episode title romaji (defaults to %epn)
Episode title english (default fallback language)
Episode number
Part name ("EP" if anime.type != 4 || "PA" otherwise)
Full part name ("Episode" if anime.type != 4 || "Part" otherwise)
if file is raw (no subtitles outputs RAW)
Crc sum or INVALID if crc invalid
Crc sum (in caps) or INVALID if crc invalid
Version string (only if version > 1)
Censored string
Dub languages (ALL OF THEM, comma separated)
Sub languages (ALL OF THEM, comma separated)
%lang (current db format)
dub.sub_jp,de,,en (extended format)
Group short name
Group full name
Video codec
Total number of episodes
[unknown, TV, OVA, Movie, Other, web]
File ID
Anime ID
Episode ID
Group ID

*If* like cases

Currently there's a way to make something like if cases, imagine that you want to show that a file is raw you could do something like this:

[%raw] %ann - %enr - %epn

But that would show for files that weren't raw some thing like this: "[] Full Metal Panic! - 01 - The guy I kinda Like is a Sergeant".

What you can use is '<' and '>' pairs, if a pattern inside of '<' and '>' returns "" the entire text inside of the '<' and '>' would simply not be shown, so if you changed your tag to be something like this:

<[%raw] >%ann - %enr - %epn

For non raw files it would simply output this: "Full Metal Panic! - 01 - The guy I kinda Like is a Sergeant"

Default formats

Currently anidb uses something like this format:

%ann - %enr%ver - %epn - <[%grp]><(%crc)><(%cen)><(%lang)><(%raw)>

This format for file 182271 returns the following ed2k links:

anidb current page
new anime page

note: the last link gets encoded to pass in browsers, the actual output is:

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