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== Watching ==
== Watching ==
List of animes your currently watching. If you have watched at least one episode of it within the last 7 days. Max five animes. ''n'' shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest. Ordered by the view date of the most recently viewed file per anime.
List of animes your currently watching. If you have watched at least one episode of it within the last 14 days. Max five animes. ''n'' shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest. Ordered by the view date of the most recently viewed file per anime.

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{| class="wikitable"

Revision as of 20:05, 5 December 2007

AniDB Statistics

Statistics for AniDB

Variable Description
$anidbstat_acount Total number of animes in AniDB
$anidbstat_reviewcount Total number of reviews in AniDB
$anidbstat_avdhashfcount Number of file hash entries submitted by Avdump
$anidbstat_epcount Total number of episodes in AniDB
$anidbstat_fcount Total number of files in AniDB
$anidbstat_fsize Total size of files in AniDB. Returned in GiB
$anidbstat_gcount Total number of groups in AniDB
$anidbstat_producercount Total number of producers in AniDB
$anidbstat_usercount Total number of registered users in AniDB
$anidbstat_votecnt Total number of votes in AniDB

AniDB Latest File


Variable Description
$anidblatestfile_idn_date ...
$anidblatestfile_idn_aid ...
$anidblatestfile_idn_aname ...
$anidblatestfile_idn_eid ...
$anidblatestfile_idn_ename ...
$anidblatestfile_idn_enumber ...
$anidblatestfile_idn_fid ...
$anidblatestfile_idn_gid ...
$anidblatestfile_idn_gname ...

Anime Statistics

Statistics for the anime with ID n

Variable Description
$animestat_an_aid The Anime ID
$animestat_an_aname Anime title
$animestat_an_etotal Total number of episodes
$animestat_an_rating Rating
$animestat_an_votecount Number of votes
$animestat_an_temprating Temporary rating
$animestat_an_tempvotecount Number of temporary votes
$animestat_an_reviewcount Number of reviews
$animestat_an_reviewrating Review rating
$animestat_an_ecount Number of added episodes
$animestat_an_fcount Number of added files
$animestat_an_gcount Number of groups working on this anime
$animestat_an_usercount Total number of users which has this anime in their MyList
$animestat_an_fsize Total size of all files belonging to this anime. Returned in MiB as integer
$animestat_an_lastep_eid Episode ID of the latest episode
$animestat_an_lastep_enumber Episode number of the latest episode
$animestat_an_lastep_ename Title of the latest episode
$animestat_an_lastep_date Air date of the latest episode
$animestat_an_lastep_length Length in minutes of the latest episode
$animestat_an_lastep_rating Rating of the latest episode
$animestat_an_lastep_votes Total number of votes on the latest episode
$animestat_an_lastep_fcount Total number of files of the latest episode
$animestat_an_lastep_usercount Total number of users who have the latest episode in their MyList

User Statistics

Statistics for your account

Variable Description
$stat_mylist_acount Number of animes in MyList
$stat_mylist_epcount Number of episodes in MyList
$stat_mylist_fcount Number of files in MyList
$stat_mylist_fsize Size of files in MyList
$stat_mylist_lastanime_date The date the latest anime was added to MyList
$stat_mylist_lastanime The name of the latest anime was added to MyList
$stat_anidb_add_acount Number of animes added to AniDB
$stat_anidb_add_epcount Number of episodes added to AniDB
$stat_anidb_add_fcount Number of files added to AniDB
$stat_anidb_add_gcount Number of groups added to AniDB
$stat_anidb_independencep Independence percent
$stat_anidb_leechp Leech percent
$stat_anidb_reviewcount Number of reviews added to AniDB
$stat_anidb_votecount Number of votes
$stat_anidb_totalviewedp Percent of AniDB watched
$stat_anidb_totalownedp Percent of AniDB owned
$stat_anidb_ownviewedp Percent of MyList watched
$stat_anidb_viewedepcnt Number of watched episodes in mylist

Latest Animes

Latest animes added to MyList. Max five animes. n shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest.

Variable Description
$latestanime_idn_date Add date of the n th recently added anime to MyList
$latestanime_idn_aid Anime ID a of the n th recently added anime to MyList
$latestanime_idn_name Name of the n th recently added anime to MyList

Latest Files

Latest Files added to your MyList. Max five files. n shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest.

Variable Description
$latestfile_idn_aid Anime ID a of the n th recently added file to MyList
$latestfile_idn_aname Anime name of the nth recently added file to MyList
$latestfile_idn_date Date file was added
$latestfile_idn_eid Episode ID a of the n th recently added file to MyList
$latestfile_idn_ename Episode name of the n th recently added file to MyList
$latestfile_idn_enumber Episode number of the n th recently added file to MyList
$latestfile_idn_fid File ID a of the n th recently added file to MyList
$latestfile_idn_gid Group ID a of the n th recently added file to MyList
$latestfile_idn_gname Group name a of the n th recently added file to MyList
$latestfile_idn_viewdate Date file was viewed

Latest Votes

The latest votes by you. Max five votes. n shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest.

Variable Description
$latestvote_idn_date Date of the n th vote
$latestvote_idn_aid Anime ID of the n th vote
$latestvote_idn_vote Vote score of the n th vote
$latestvote_idn_aname Anime name of the n th vote

Latest Recommendations

The most recent recommendations made by you. Max five recommendations. n shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest.

Variable Description
$latestrecommendation_idn_date Date the recommendation was made
$latestrecommendation_idn_aid The Anime ID of the recommendation
$latestrecommendation_idn_type Type of recommendation
$latestrecommendation_idn_comment Recommendation comment
$latestrecommendation_idn_aname Nana

Latest Review

Latest reviews by you. Max five reviews. n shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest.

Variable Description
$latestreview_idn_date The date the review was added
$latestreview_idn_aid The Anime ID of the review
$latestreview_idn_score_overall The overall rating of the review
$latestreview_idn_score_animation The animation rating of the review
$latestreview_idn_score_sound The sound rating of the review
$latestreview_idn_score_story The story rating of the review
$latestreview_idn_score_character The character rating of the review
$latestreview_idn_score_value The value rating of the review
$latestreview_idn_score_enjoyment The enjoyment rating of the review
$latestreview_idn_rating The rating of the review
$latestreview_idn_votes Number of votes on the review
$latestreview_idn_aname Anime reviewed

Latest Watched

Latest watched files in MyList. Max five files. n shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest.

Variable Description
$latestwatched_idn_date File date added
$latestwatched_idn_viewdate File viewed date
$latestwatched_idn_aid Anime ID of file
$latestwatched_idn_aname Anime name of file
$latestwatched_idn_eid Episode ID of file
$latestwatched_idn_ename Episode name of file
$latestwatched_idn_enumber Episode number of file
$latestwatched_idn_fid File ID of file
$latestwatched_idn_gid Group ID of file
$latestwatched_idn_gname Group name of file


List of animes your currently watching. If you have watched at least one episode of it within the last 14 days. Max five animes. n shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest. Ordered by the view date of the most recently viewed file per anime.

Variable Description
$watching_idn_date Date latest episode was added
$watching_idn_viewdate Date latest episode was watched
$watching_idn_aid Anime ID of anime
$watching_idn_aname Name of anime
$watching_idn_eps Number of episodes
$watching_idn_state_epcount Episodes in MyList
$watching_idn_state_specialepcount Special episodes in MyList
$watching_idn_state_seenepcount Seen episodes
$watching_idn_state_seenspecialepcount Seen special episodes

Finished Watching

Lists animes you've completely watched within the last 2 months. Max five animes. n shall be replaced with a number from 1-5 where 1 is the latest. Ordered by the view date of the most recently viewed file per anime.

Variable Description
$finishedwatching_idn_date Date latest episode was added
$finishedwatching_idn_viewdate Date latest episode was watched
$finishedwatching_idn_aid Anime ID of anime
$finishedwatching_idn_aname Name of anime
$finishedwatching_idn_eps Number of episodes
$finishedwatching_idn_state_epcount Episodes in MyList
$finishedwatching_idn_state_specialepcount Special episodes in MyList
$finishedwatching_idn_state_seenepcount Seen episodes
$finishedwatching_idn_state_seenspecialepcount Seen special episodes