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=== #18 - janidb ===
=== #18 - janidb ===
: user: Sakrag & Roni00
: user: Sakrag & Roni00
: stat: Lightly Functional - (Basic UDP API commands)
: stat: Lightly Functional - Basic UDP API commands / Hashing
: name: JAniDB (at least for now)
: name: JAniDB (at least for now)
: targ: All JVM supported platforms
: targ: All JVM supported platforms

Revision as of 22:13, 17 January 2006

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#01 - ednaxtraynotific

user: ednax
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: AniDB Notification, ednaxtraynotific
targ: Windows (2000, XP, 2003 etc... - maybe 9x)
lang: Visual Basic 6
func: http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1434
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2120

#02 - aniupdate

user: dinoex
stat: working
name: AniUpdate
targ: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD + Linux
lang: C / ObjectiveC
func: command-line helper, hashing, cache, add to mylist, read mylist info, mark viewed/unviewed, edit mylist entry, read file info.
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2613
url : http://iroffer.dinoex.net/aniupdate-1.17.tar.gz

#03 - pococlientanidb

user: bdonlan
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: POE (Component::Client::AniDB) / pococlientanidb
targ: Primarily Linux, but anything else that Perl runs on is a possible target as well
lang: Perl 5
func: At the very least, mylist adding functions. Maybe others.
cont: bdonlan@gmail.com

#04 - webaom

user: epoximator
stat: working, dev
name: WebAOM / webaom
lang: java
desc: simple AOM Applet / Application
func: those related to file handling
feat: ed2k, crc32, md5, sha1, tth hashing; file add to mylist; custom file renaming and moving;
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2555
url : http://www.anidb.net/wiki/index.php?title=WebAOM

#05 - wakeauanime

user: Finalspace
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: wakeau anime
targ: Windows
lang: Borland Delphi 5
func: All?
feat: Own Fast DB System mit Hash-Tables; Reading and Parsing AniDB Database infos; Very userfriendly and easy Window Interface; Xenorate Support; Plugin based
plan: Ported to FreePascal (Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, Mac, Windows); more features of anidb
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3150

#06 - spahm

user: Permidion aka Fafnir
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: spahm (for stupid php anidb hashing machine ^^)
lang: php
desc: sort of improved ed2k_hash thingy, that hash file and dump that
func: ?
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=329


user: WoLpH
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: ?
targ: Linux, *BSD and other *n?x systems
lang: C++
desc: Console client
func: those related to filehandling?
feat: local db; cust renaming; dir scan; data exporting (csv, xml, sql); autoadd to mylist;
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3288

#08 - cocoaaom

user: phip
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: CocoaAOM (Super tentative working title, with apologies to PetriW)
targ: Mac OS X
lang: Objective-C
func: All.
feat: File hashing, identification, renaming, addition to mylist.
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1833

#09 - ameame

user: epoximator
stat: working, stalled
name: ame / ameame
targ: win / *nix
desc: simple commandline based hasher / mylist-file-add util
feat: ed2k hashing; file add to mylist
func: those related to file handling
lang: c++
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2555
url : http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~jovetlea/webaom/ame.rar

#10 - ggkgpljigdff

user: elfish
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: ggkgpljigdff
targ: platform-independent
lang: Java
desc: Command-line renamer, similar in concept to goodsnes, etc.
func: those related to file handling?
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3559

#11 - mircadbcsc

user: W1N9Zr0
stat: needs more UI, documentation, proper timeouts, update for v3, stalled
name: mircadbcsc
targ: win32
lang: mIRC script
desc: mIRC AniDB Client Script
func: Notification; hash(using dll), add to mylist
cont: W1N9Zr0 on irc.deltaanime.net
url: http://w1n9zr0.deltaanime.net/mirc-scripting/AniDB/

#12 - anidbcmdc

user: ExElNeT
stat: unconfirmed, working, finished?
name: anidbcmdc
lang: java
func: those related to filehandling
feat: hashing (all types); renaming (100% cust); mylist adding; moving hashed, checked and mylistadded files in their own animename dirs; remove illegal strings from filenames (100% cust)
desc: anidb commandline client written in java for all those who love shells
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3779
url : http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~exelnet/anidbcmdc.jar

#13 - anidboverudp

user: Knch
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: AniDB-Over-UDP / anidboverudp
targ: Windows
lang: C#
func: all
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=374

#14 - festival

user: robert
stat: unconfirmed, stalled?
name: festival
targ: All supported by PHP
lang: PHP
func: AUTH, FILE, and LOGOUT. those related to FILE
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4717

#15 - epaclient

user: aredhel
stat: unconfirmed, dev?
name: epaclient / epanetcat
targ: linux (2nd OS: XP)
lang: python/gtk
func: import of mylist dump
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4733

#16 - xauc

user: fahrenheit
stat: dev (working @ 35%)
name: xauc
targ: Linux (maybe cripled port to Windows)
func: all
feat: hashing; a/v info; local db; text interface;
plan: import exp templates; gui; web int; export dumps; file reports
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1208

#17 - kinglink

user: Kinglink
stat: starting testing (Getting UDP connection)
name: Unnamed Kinglink Project
targ: Windows
lang: C++.
feat: Two programs planned, First, simplistic "anime name search", possible data from specific anime. Second and more likely higher priority, toolbar Anidb notification
plan: Currently working with the UDP connection, once fully connected, proceeding from there.
cont: Frank.Reese@gmail.com

#18 - janidb

user: Sakrag & Roni00
stat: Lightly Functional - Basic UDP API commands / Hashing
name: JAniDB (at least for now)
targ: All JVM supported platforms
lang: Sun Java 5.0
feat: Cross-platform Java application that does everything AOM does except the dump downloads. See: http://www.anidb.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=23120&highlight=#23120
plan: UDP connections functional. File system watcher functional. Hashing algorithms in progress. GUI & API majorly in progress.
progress: Very nice skinnable interface, Hashing systems working for multiple hashes (also a unique feature of our custom hashing library allows multiple files to be hashed at once), Around half of the UDP API implemented.
cont: davcaw15@gmail.com || ronicat00@gmail.com

#19 - pyanidb

user: zyp
stat: Development, SVN-version supports hashing and adding of files.
name: PyAniDB
lang: Python, with some parts in C++. License: GPL
targ: GNU/Linux, may be ported to other platforms later.
cont: zyp@jvnv.net
url: http://dev.jvnv.net/misc/wiki/PyAniDB

#20 - myaa

user: Sn4keBite
stat: dev?
name: MyAA
lang: C++ (GUI application using Qt)
targ: Currrently only Linux, both Linux and Windows were originally planned
func: Mostly mylist and file functions
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3721
url: http://myaa.sourceforge.net/

#21 - pknotif

user: Su8Zer0
stat: dev/testing
name: PKNotif
lang: Delphi 7
targ: Windows XP (probably others)
func: Popup with new notifs/messages in systray
cont: http://www.anidb.net/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3850

#22 - anitorrent

user: jonbaby
stat: just beginning
name: anitorrent
targ: Windows
lang: C#
feat: (1) AniDB notification tray icon (2) Parse http://www.tokyotosho.com/ to get torrent link based on crc32 search
cont: lwerndly@gmail.com

Unknown / TEST
