AniDB O'Matic - Documentation: Local file renaming: Difference between revisions

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|join(glue, text...)||text||Joins together two or more *text*s, empty parameters are ignored with no glue added.<br>Example: join(' ', 'a', 'b', 'c') = 'a b c'
|join(glue, text...)||text||Joins together two or more *text*s, empty parameters are ignored with no glue added.<br>Example: join(' ', 'a', 'b', 'c') = 'a b c'
|?lc(text)||text||Converts text to lower case.<br>Example ?lc(crc)
|lc(text)||text||Converts *text* to lower case.<br>Example: lc('ABCDEF') = 'abcdef'
|?length(text)||number||Returns the text length of text.<br>Example ?length(a)
|length(text)||number||Returns the length of *text*.<br>Example: length('abcdef') = 6
|?limit(text, length[, end])||text||Limits the length of text to at most length characters. End is optional, if specified and the text is cropped, it'll be added at the end of text.<br>Example ?limit(e, 100) or ?limit(e, 100, '...')
|limit(text, length[, end])||text||Limits the length of *text* to at most *length* characters. *End* is optional, if specified and the text is cropped, it'll be added at the end of text.<br>Example: limit(e, 100) or limit('abcdefghijklmnop', 7, '...') = 'abcd...'
|?min(number...)||number||Returns the lowest supplied number<br>Example ?min(1, 7, 3, 9, 2) returns 1
|?min(number...)||number||Returns the lowest supplied number<br>Example ?min(1, 7, 3, 9, 2) returns 1