SigServer:SignatureXML: Difference between revisions

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Line 93: Line 93:
| color || Sets the text's color. || ''#<hex>'' or ''R, G, B'' || #000000
| color || Sets the text's color. || ''#<hex>'' or ''R, G, B'' || #000000
| alpha || Sets the text's opacity. Doesn't work very well with ellipses || ''1-100'' || 100
| alpha || Sets the text's opacity. || ''1-100'' || 100
| angle || Sets the text's  || ''true'' or ''false'' || true
| align || Sets the text's angle.  || ''0-359'' || bottom-left
| face || Sets the text's angle.  || ''0-359'' || 0
| angle || Sets the text's angle. || ''0-359'' || 0
| line-spacing || Sets the text's angle.  || ''0-359'' || 1.5
| thickness || Sets the border's thickness. Works on lines and hollow shapes. || ''1-10'' || 1
| thickness || Sets the border's thickness. Works on lines and hollow shapes. || ''1-10'' || 1