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this is the place to contribute ideas on a possible future addition of anime character/seiyu data to anidb.
this is the place to contribute ideas on a possible future addition of anime character/seiyu data to AniDB. They have been added though so this page don't matter lmao.

For other areas of active development on AniDB, check: [[Development]]
For other areas of active development on AniDB, check:

Directly related: [[Generic_PersonCompany_DEV]]
Directly related: [[Generic PersonCompany DEV]]


What are the things we should be able to store/provide?

... list all entities and their attributes here ...
* Normal users can only view character information
* Only advanced users and higher userlevels can add/edit/delete characters and add/edit/delete relations through the creq system
* Character maintainers can add/edit/delete characters and add/edit/delete relations without going through the creq system
* Creq handler (character) can grant/deny character creqs
* Mods are gods


===Generic Fields - Character===
<tt>parts copied from [[Generic_PersonCompany_DEV#Generic_Fields_-_Person|Generic Fields - Person]]</tt>
*  image
* url (en)
* url (jp)
* url wiki (en)
* url wiki (jp)
* birth place
* birth date
* age
* death date
* height
* weight
* B/H/W
* nationality
* place of residence
* job
* workplace
* description (extra data goes here)
====Generic Fields - CharacterTitle====
<tt>copied from [[Generic_PersonCompany_DEV#Generic_Fields_-_PersonTitle|Generic Fields - PersonTitle]]</tt>
* title - some title, like: phd, bsc, etc
* [name] - this is LASTNAME firstname for oriental names and firstname LASTNAME for western names
* firstname - also know as Personal names
* lastname - also know as Family name
* lang - language of title
* type - type of title
** 1 - Main title
** 2 - Alias
** 3 - Maiden name
** 4 - Nickname
* verified
===Character Traits===
done in a category way
* gender
** male
** female
** both
** neither
* cupsize
** AA
** A
** B
** C
** D
** DD (or E)
** F
** G
* lifeform
** human
** animal
*** cat
*** dog
*** elephant
*** mouse
*** pig
*** ...
** plant
** alien
** stuffed animal
** robot
** juujin (human x animal)
*** catgirl
*** doggirl
*** foxgirl
*** ...
*** *boy
*** ...
** ...
* hair color
** main haircolor
** second haircolor
* hair style
** twin tails
** ...
* eye color 
** left 
** right
* blood type
* school
* Accessories
** glasses
** hat
** magical staff
** magical book
** stuffed animal
** ...
* Signature Saying ("~dattebayo", "~desu", "~de arimasu", ...)
* Character <-> Seiyuu
* Character <-> Anime
* Character <-> Character
* Character -> Award
====Relations - Character <-> Seiyuu====
* [[Generic_PersonCompany_DEV#Seiyuu|Seiyuu]] S (based on [[Generic_PersonCompany_DEV#Generic_Fields_-_Person|Person]] P) is seiyuu of character C in anime A for language L
* [[Generic_PersonCompany_DEV#Seiyuu|Seiyuu]] S (based on [[Generic_PersonCompany_DEV#Generic_Fields_-_Person|Person]] P) is seiyuu of character C in anime A for episodes E for language L
====Relations - Character <-> Anime====
* Role of character
** Main character
** Side character
** Support character
** ...
====Relations - Character <-> Character====
* Type of relation
** Family (unspecified)
** Sibling of
** Descendant of / Ascendant of (unspecified)
** Child of / Parent of
** Grandchild of / Grandparent of
** Foster Child of / Foster Parent Of
** Foster Grandchild of / Foster Grandparent Of
** Best friend of
** Friend of
** Ally of
** Companion/Sidekick of
** (Arch)Enemy of
** (Arch)Rival of
** Pet of / Owner of
** Boyfriend / Girlfriend of
** Married to
** Unknown Relation
** Evolves to
** Fusions to
** ...
====Problems with characters and character relations====
Pokemon have different stages of evolution. Each evolution would need its own database entry and a relation "evolved form of" would be needed.
A Pokemon should be shown with its evolved and pre-evolutionary forms on one page.
Digimon are even worse than Pokemon. Not only can they evolve to a higher digitation but they can also combine/fuse with each other to create new Digimon.
Ranma 1/2:
Ranma transforms into a girl, his dad into a panda, and so on. Each transformed should get its own character entry and a "same character as" relation.
All characters linked by a "same character as" relations should be shown on one page.

Sailormoon / Wedding Peach:
Basically the same situation as with Ranma 1/2. Each transformation should get its own character entry and a "same character as" relation should be set.

====Relations - Character -> Award====
* List of awards (ARC Character Awards)

===Approach 1===


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